56. Red light on the wedding night: part 2

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We all went to bed, me and Tristan in the garage with the girls, Rory in her bedroom, and mom and max in moms room.

I was laying awake in bed, it was the only time I got to myself now. The girls were always with me, and I was never by myself. I guess that's all part of being a mom.

I decided that I was going to go inside and catch up with some homework, or should I say schoolwork that was due in. Since the girls were only 3 months old, I still couldn't go to school yet. And I was off the few weeks before school finished so I had that work to catch up with too. So, instead, I was doing it all from home. Some days, though, I can't do it, so I catch up at night. However, when summer finishes, I'll go back to school. Well, I would go to school for 2 days a week, and Tristan would go for 3. We would catch up with schoolwork at home.

"Hey." Mom says as she clicks a pen right in front of my face. I was near enough falling asleep on the table.

"What? What is it?" I ask, drowsily.

"Oh, nothin'. Watcha doin'?"

"School work." I respond

"Why this time?" Mom questions

"The only time I can do it." I answer as mom starts to click the pen even more. "Mom..."

"I have a boy in my room." Mom sighs


"So I have a boy in my room." Mom exaggerates

"Me too. Anyway, it's max. You like max." I tell her

"No - uh, yes, I do, but it's weird. We've never had a man in the house like this up there." Mom stutters

"What about Tristan?" I ask

"I meant for me, we've never had a man in the house for me." Mom explains

"Why are awake then. He's your fiancé." I state

"Very true."

"So, all you need to do is adjust. It's like that time you got the green stripes in your hair." I point out

"I hated them green stripes." Mom says

"Well, I've got work to do, and I'm tired. I can think of a better example tomorrow." I state and get back to writing.

"No! Look at me, stop that!" Mom exclaims as she sits down next to me. "We've not properly talked about this." Mom pauses "About max in the house, about the effect on you. And Tristan, and the girls. Mostly you though. Don't cover up anything. Let's get it out in the open."

"I don't have anything to cover up. I like max." I explain

"I know you do, but once we are married, nothing will ever be the same again. It won't just be the 'me, you, Rory, and occasionally Tristan, secret special clubhouse, no boys allowed thing' anymore, although Tristan is a boy." Mom continues

"It will be different."

"Not Just different. Our lives as we know them will be over." Mom exaggerates again

"Mom, we're not dying." I point out

"No, we are not dying, but the life we had is gonna morph into this mutation that we could never have possibly conceived."

"Like the giant ants in 'them!'?" I ask

"Metaphorically speaking, yes, and I don't want it to be like that. So that's why I'm talking about it now." Mom tells me

"I am, in no way, anticipating being attacked by giant ants because max is living here. Anyway, we went through all this with Tristan. And it's okay, isn't it?" I point out

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