Chapter Fifty Three

Start from the beginning

Now it seems like that's all gone.

Just like our lives will be.

A sudden thought echoed in my head, a thought I said out loud. "Will you kill me?" Would it be him or would it be someone else?

He has threatened to do so multiple times, however, this question seemed to have taken him aback.

I was being stupid but I continued to question him further. "How will you do it? How will you end my life?"

"Stop talking." Alpha Alessandro hissed.

Raising an eyebrow I asked him another question, I must have had a death wish as I couldn't stop talking. "Why? It's what you're going to do to me, right?"

Alpha Alessandro's jaws locked as he stared me down, I stared right back at him. I was tired of all of this, I wanted to know what would happen to us. Thinking about all the possible outcomes was driving me insane.

"Do not leave this room." He snarled before he stormed out yet again.

I leaned back and closed my eyes as soon as I heard him slam the door shut. Everything was a mess, my life was a mess and there was no way to climb out of this mountain of issues and problems.

Alpha Alessandro continued to confuse me, one minute he was threatening me, hurting me and the next he acted like he cared about me. He didn't care about me, he shouldn't but deep down I had this feeling that he did and I think that explained why I acted the way I did around him, in my subconscious I knew he wouldn't actually hurt me.

It was scary that I was thinking this when I had no proof to back up my beliefs. Thinking like that would not only get me killed but it would impact Cami too.

My heart tightened as I thought about my little sister and how scared she must be right now. The last thing she heard from me was the Alpha crushing my phone, she must be going out of her mind with worry. I knew she was burning up with guilt and I was anxious about what that guilt is doing to her and what it might make her do.

I had to gain access to a phone immediately, she needed to know that I was doing okay. If it was the other way around I knew I would be going out of my mind worrying about what was happening to my sister.

I pushed the duvet away with my hands and slowly began to place one foot on the ground. Once that was secure and stable I swung my body around and put both feet on the ground. My body felt fine except for my head which was still strobing with a vengeance.

"What are you doing?" A voice snapped from behind me.

Turning around I found Rachel standing behind me with her hands crossed against her chest. "Get back into bed."

I ignored her and began searching for my shoes. I had obviously taken it off when I got into the bathtub but no one had bought it here. I paused suddenly as I realised that my shoes weren't the only things I took off before I got into the bath.

I was naked. Whoever got me out of the bathtub saw me naked. Was it the Alpha? Did he see me naked?

Embarrassment flooded my body as I pondered on that thought which gave Rachel her opportunity to push me back on the bed harshly.

"Hey!" I snapped as I landed ungracefully on the bed. "What's your problem?"

"You." Rachel muttered as she began to tuck me back into bed ignoring my efforts to push her away. "You're supposed to be resting."

I allowed her to force me back into bed knowing that once she left I would get back up again. There was no point wasting my energy on fighting her.

"Who got me out of my bathtub?" I asked quietly.

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