Finally you arrive home and go inside. You both quickly go to put on comfortable clothes, and snuggle up on the coach in front of the television. You yawn. "Is it okay if I end up falling asleep?"

He chuckles. "Of course it's okay." You curl up on his lap, resting your head against his chest. After a while, you hear your husband softly ask you, "Y/n, are you still awake?" This whole time he's been very soothing as he rubs your back and holds your hand.

"Yeah," you mutter back. "I'm still awake."


"What is it?"

"I just wanted to tell you... I don't want you to worry so much about me. I know I'm always going all over the place and playing football in different places, and I just... I don't want you always worrying. I'm okay. And if I'm not okay, you're the first I would make sure would be told, alright?"

"It's hard for me not to worry, Victor. If I could just stop, I would..." you mutter softly with a little sigh.

He hugs you tighter, pressing his face onto the top of your head, before whispering, "I'm so sorry, baby. I just... I hate it when you're worried. I hate it when you feel bad. I love you, and I want you to be happy. Not anxious."

You smile softly. "Well, you're doing fine. With you, I'm always happy. And when you reassure me everything is okay, I'm happy. You're amazing."

He smiles back at you. You look up at him, and he gently gives you a kiss on your nose. Things makes you giggle. "You're so sweet, you know that?"

"Coming from you!" you say, sticking your tongue out at him.

He just looks at you with loving eyes, squeezing you tight, and says, "And you're adorable," before gently kissing your lips.


"Y/n, I'm home!" calls your husband after the sound of the front door opening.

You sit in your bedroom, unable to respond.

"Y/n?" you hear his voice echoing through the house. "Are you here?"

You sigh, still not wanting to talk to him, you lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling, your hand moving to your stomach. You listen as you hear your husband walking all over the house, until finally there are three knocks on the bedroom door. You sigh, standing up from the bed, and open the door, staring up at your husband, right in his greyish eyes. "Victor, I'm just going to be straightforward with you," you say with a shaky breath. His eyebrows come together in concern, and his eyes become flooded with worry. You hold up the pregnancy test and say the two simple words, "I'm pregnant."

He throws his arms around you right away, squeezing you tight as his plants kiss after kiss on your forehead, before finally saying, "Oh baby. Oh God, baby, we're going to be parents."

"How do you think and feel about it?" you mutter softly.

"I'll support, care for, and love both you and the child. I'm nervous, and it seems a little unreal, but excited. How do you feel about it, baby?"

"I... I've always had this little part inside of me that wanted to be a mother, but now I'm... I'm kind of scared, Victor."

He gently caresses your cheek and tucks your hair behind your ear. "I know, I know. Do you want to snuggle?"

You smile softly at this and nod. "You know me so well."

"Hm?" he asks as you lay down in bed together. He wraps his arms around your waist, looking you right in your eyes.

"You know how much snuggling makes me feel better."

He smiles softly. "Just remember, no matter what happens, we're in this together, okay? Together to the end. I'll take care of you. And you take care of me, too," he says a little bit more jokingly, with a little wink.

"Oh, don't worry," you smile back. "I worry too much about you to not take care of you."


There's a strange peace that surrounds you. It feels like the eye of the storm. Just a perfectly peaceful moment, in which all the stress decides to leave you and your little family for just a moment.

There's also wonder as you hold the little child in your arms. The child that came from your body. He has Victor's big grey eyes, and the cutest little chubby cheeks. The love you feel for this new, tiny, helpless human being is so great, it's almost unbearable. In this moment, as you look at the most innocent thing on earth, you swear to yourself that you cannot let anything happen to him. You love him too much. You love him way too much to let anything happen to this delicate, beautiful little child.

"Elias it is, then?" your husband asks in a hushed voice, his hand gently resting on your arm.

"Yes, I suppose so," you breathe. "Elias it is."

Victor gently gives you a kiss on the forehead before doing the same to his son. "I love you," he whispers softly, to the two other members of is tiny little family. "I love you enough to die for you."


"No..." cries little Elias, looking you in your eyes. He has grown hair the same color as yours that is already starting to get messy, before the day even has begun. "I don't wanna go..."

"Hey, it's okay," Victor says, taking the boy from your arms. "It'll be fun! You'll have lots more fun games to play here, and you'll have friends to play them with as well! Come on, Eli, you're brave, aren't you?"

The little boy nods, despite the tear running down his cheek. You gently wipe it away. "Yeah, I'm brave, Daddy," he says to his father.

You roll your eyes as your husband grins, saying, "Well, brave boys are excited to go to school. Look at those boys over there! They look nice!" Your husband puts your son down, pointing.

Elias pouts. "I'm gonna miss you."

"You'll have such a fun time, it will seem like only a little bit until we come back to get you, okay? Your teacher is kind, and I'm sure you'll make lots of friends with your classmates," you reassure your son. You give him another hug, and so does Victor.

And just like that, your little baby is off to his first day of school.

As you walk back to the car with Victor, he says, putting an arm around you, "Feels funny, doesn't it?"

"Yeah... it does. It feels like just last month we were just an unstable couple who loved the hell out of each other."

"M-hm, and it seems like just last month I came home to my scared wife and learned I was going to be a daddy."

"And it feels like just yesterday I held that little baby in my arms for the first time and swore I would protect him with my life."

"I guess time just keeps on going, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess so. And I guess no matter how fast or slow time goes, we'll always be one, together, huh?"

"That, my love, is a fact."

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