"I... I wanted to apologize," Felix replied. "For arguing with you earlier. I didn't mean to, I was just upset."

"Hey," Hyunjin spoke softly. "I should be the one apologizing to you. You were completely right. I had no right to tell you what you can or can not do. I'm sorry, love."

"Hyunjin, it's not like that. I..." Felix replied. "I know you were just worried about my safety, but screaming at Chan hyung and I was... a little bit much."

"I know, I know," Hyunjin chuckled sadly. "I really shouldn't have done that. I'll apologize to Chan hyung tomorrow, I promise."

"Thank you, Hyunnie," Felix thanked. "For understanding."

"Of course," Hyunjin said.

Felix smiled to himself, finally done drying Hyunjin's hair. He set the towel aside and settled back opposite Hyunjin. "There. All done."

"Thank you," Hyunjin replied, removing his hands from Felix's waist. Felix immediately missed the warmth of Hyunjin's touch, and the area he held now felt cold.

Hyunjin looked at Felix intently, but Felix refused to meet his gaze, afraid that Hyunjin might discern his thoughts. His cheeks felt hot and exposed, and he began fidgeting with his fingers, digging them into Hyunjin's bedsheets.

"Is something wrong?" Hyunjin asked, moving closer to Felix. Now they were mere inches apart, and a breath got caught in Felix's throat.

"Can you look away for a while?" Felix asked hesitantly.

"I promise not to read your mind if that's what you're afraid of," Hyunjin replied. "I'll do my best to respect your privacy."

"Do you promise?"

"I promise."

Finally, Felix mustered the courage to meet Hyunjin's eyes. He could see that Hyunjin was genuinely trying not to invade his thoughts. Felix watched as Hyunjin smiled softly, running his hand through his wet hair.

Felix's heart skipped a beat at the sight. Hyunjin was undeniably attractive. If they had met under different circumstances, in any other setting, Felix would have undoubtedly wanted to date Hyunjin—to hold him, kiss him, be intimate with him. But Felix quickly dismissed those thoughts.

What was he thinking? Hyunjin was his friend. He shouldn't be harboring these kinds of desires for his best friend.

"I'm grateful that you aren't the one with mind reading powers," Hyunjin said, interrupting Felix's thoughts. His voice sounded a little breathless. "Because you wouldn't like knowing what I'm thinking."

Curiosity sparked within Felix. "Why? What are you thinking?"

Hyunjin was silent for a few moments.

"I'm thinking about how touch starved I am," Hyunjin replied hesitantly, avoiding Felix's gaze. "And the fact that the most beautiful boy I've ever seen is sitting on my bed isn't making it any easier."

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