Lovers of the enemy , part two

Start from the beginning

"Soo who owes me a new broom" she asked raising an eyebrow, I laughed slightly "ha not me I can promise you that, I'll let church know he has a week to replace it" she snorted "good luck with that, hey can I have yours if he puts you six feet under" "ha ha fucken funny, you know I did try to stop him from hitting that bludger" her eyebrows rose higher "oh really well that will explain why I fell 30 feet down then" she was smiling but why?, she didn't seem upset or angry "well it was fall 30 feet down and being rescued or my head being cracked into two unfortunately the situation was complete out of my control" she stopped smiling "that's not funny" she said "ha your the one smiling and laughing" then I released that just before coming into the hospital wing professor sharp had given her a potion for she had stood quick still on the pitch breathing heavily still raising her arm in the air not letting go of the golden snitch, "oooh" I said under my breath "What?" She snapped I could see that her body language was now tensing and I understood why she had gone willing to the hospital wing even though she hated being here "you must of drunk a relaxant concoction, will explain why your muscles weren't tensing when were brought over to you bed" I rubbed the back of my neck pretending not to have witnessed earlier the curtains beside her bed had been draw so that she could remove her jersey and be properly treated for other wounds around her body that could be removed by a wand, madam  Blainey had assistant Y/N in wrapping the cloth like material around her bare chest and I was doing my very best to respect her privacy but a crash of braking China got my attention immediately as Y/N had stumbled knocking one of the bowls that was being used to clean her up, nurse Blainey had tutted at her and repaired the shattered bowl and as the piece of broken China repaired themselfs I caught a glimpse behind the curtain as the fluttered from the wind of the spell, she was leaning over the bed her hands clutching the sheets her hair hanging down over her face and her chest exploded, it was incredible to think she how she be so small and big at the same time perhaps she made the illusion of being a small stature from everyone else by wearing bigger clothes, I remembered on that train when I had accidentally peeked a little while she changed that she was wearing a shirt 2x bigger then needed, she had mentioned how she was slightly self conscious about her body, but what's about that dress? No she had mentioned to Poppy that the dress needed to be altered but that they couldn't do it in the time limit they were given so she had no choice but to buy what was it a corset?, I looked at her "Oi eyes are here sallow" she said clicking "what oh sorry I wasn't.. I just.. lost my train of thought" she raised an eyebrow "right?" She got up and walked over to the mirror looking into her eyes in the reflection "how's your ribs" she said not looking at me as she tied her hair back into a ponytail "bit stiff my I think once this elixir kicks in I should be good as new" she looked up at me and start walking towards my bed "what about this" she said putting a hand over my chest indicating the massive lash across my bare chest, my breathing became slightly harsh at her sudden touch, her hand was warm and she was being gentle she was moving her hand slowly up and down my chest her fingers trailing the gash embedded in my chest, I wanted to put my hand around he waist I want to kiss every inch of her body that was exposed to me and I didn't care if the matron saw us, I would take the risk just to get close to her, I could hear breathing heavily now as she reached the back of my neck and caressed my cheek I couldn't resist, I put my hand over hers and kissed it she smiled at me then said softly "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to impose I was just curious" she took a step back her warm hands leaving my skin now cold, "it's fine to be honest the reason this hasn't gone away is because of that" I pointed at her face, she looked taken aback "Because of me?" "No no sorry I meant that I was well.. you see the thing is" I took a deep breath it was hard to confess to her what really happened but I knew I could trust her "I to was marked by death" she raised an eyebrow "what do you mean" she said slowly "I mean when I tried to activate the relic i panic when I saw the dead bodies rising out of the ground and before I took possession of their actions, I was grabbed from behind and nearly scratched to death" I scratched the back of my head now trying to avoid eye contact "you were attacked in the catacomb by your own army of the dead and you still believed that relic could save your sister even though it meant sacrificing your own life?" I didn't answer but nodded instead "Oh Sebastian you really are a stupid prat" I looked up she was smiling "gee hurtful" she snorted "well I don't want to sound like a complete ass hole but I think you kinda deserve it" "yeah yeah I can't argue with you on that one, just wish I didn't do it to you" she stopped sliming "I've all ready told you I forgive you for this but-" I don't care I would take on a thousand blows to the back of the head, fight if millions of inferi just to take back all the pain I put upon you" "Sebastian I" "I never wanted, never meant to hurt anyone including you, you sacrifice your own protection to save me and Ominis you allowed me to curse your in that scriptorium, and I hated it, I hated that it was so easy to hurt you to watch you feel the pain I was afflicting on you, but I knew it was your choice but it still killed me from the inside" "Sebastian please listen I-" and you ran after me, you stood beside me and you still fought with me even though I hurt you and betrayed your trust, and I will never forgive myself for that night, my punishment is to bare my burden and wearing it across my chest, this is my fault my stupid idiotic choices" I stopped speaking and I looked up and noticed Y/N was crying I got off the bed quickly as she started shaking "No no no I'm sorry please don't cry" I cupped her face and whipped away her tears but they kept forming then she embraced me tightly, I winced slightly my ribs still stiffened, holding her was worth the pain her hands were up my back holding me closer to her I could feel her nails digging into my back and I felt my blood boil slightly, my hand was around her waist, what I wouldn't but my to lift her up and lean her against the bed be more comfortable then a brick wall, she released me, "sorry I'm being stupid" she covered her face but I stopped her "please don't hide your face my darling" her expression was blank but her eyes were alight as though I had ignited them with this simple request, I held her hands with my own and they made contact with my chest again, the feeling of wanting to kiss every inch of her flared up inside me making me breath faster "AH!" I pushed her away grabbing my rib cage, it felt like a white hot dagger had stabbed the very centre of my chest, Y/N cupped her mouth as I leaned on the bed looking at floor "I'm sorry I didn't-" no no it's not your fault, shh shit that fucken burns" I took a deep breath and straightened up the pain had been Swift "do me favour please don't fall off your broom again" she laughed "I think I'll be staying the ground for a while".

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