4th of June entry.

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This day confirmed to me that God was willing to heal me from anorexia.

Starting with healing me from the tremendous chest/ heart pain I was constantly feeling from June 1st. The pain didn't stop but got worse that I was constantly calling 111 and they consistently checked my blood, blood pressure and heart rate. They mentioned everything was probably connected to my ED.

I was going through such bad pains, so why do I say I was sure God was working to bring me healing?

Firstly I had my grandma praying for me through call as my dad informed her that I was in such bad pain and weak. The prayers were powerful and led by the holy spirit but my left chest still hurt bad.

My dad of course prayed for healing for me but my chest still hurt.

I didn't get any sleep on June 3rd and tried to call the pastor today for healing upon me; unfortunately, I couldn't reach him which was justifiable as it was 3am when I made the decision. The very fact I didn't get any sleep exposes how painful my heart felt. However that's when it hit me, I had been relying too much to seek healing from other peoples prayers upon me but I had never sat down and prayed 1 on 1 to God for healing.

Was he wanting me to seek him this whole time?

I texted my mother saying I can't sleep and she even suggested to pray.

So that's what I did, I couldn't sleep so I had all the time in the world to seek God. That night myself I spent time with God. I prayed so hard because James 5:14-15 in the bible states, 'The prayer given in faith will heal the sick man'. Therefore, for the first time I prayed for the chest pain to go. I listened to gospel at 3am. I talked to God and enjoyed his presence and I felt si euphoric, and at peace for the first time in a while. You see God brings peace, contentment and hope. He comforted me that night. Not only that..

He healed me.

I'm telling you once I finished singing to him and praising him my chest pain left.


And didn't return.

Something the doctors couldnt rid, God could.

Something the pain killers could rid but only temporarily, God could rid of PERMANENTLY!

On June 4th Sunday, the day after sleeping well as the chest pain left, I had to testify in church. I had to!

Yes I have stage fright and get anxious but I knew what God did for me was amazing as he took away an ongoing pain once I seeked him. I felt better and had enough strength back go tell everyone in my church what he had done. What a coincidence that it was thanksgiving Sunday as thars the only day testimonies could be recited. God planned this out I feel, he spoke to me to testify.

I've said what I've wanted to say. In simple terms God healed me from weakness when I seeked him.

If you have a mental illness that is effecting your physical strength/ health pray to God 1 on 1. Even if you won't get healed straight away, because maybe God has something else in store or you lack faith, you will still feel a sense of peace and relaxation when doing so.

So there's no harm in calling on him now.

You won't regret it.

Related bible verses:

Exodus 15:26. "For I am the Lord who heals you."

Psalm 30:2. "Lord, my God, I cried out to you for help, and you healed me."

Matthew 21:22 - And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.

Luke 1:37 - For nothing will be impossible with God.

Matthew 6:33 - But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.


(Meals I had today whilst writing (current date 29th June)

(Meals I had today whilst writing (current date 29th June)

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