Felix's eyes widened in surprise as Hyunjin revealed glimpses of Felix's own innermost thoughts directly to Felix, like a slideshow. It was an intimate exchange, a dance between two minds, as Hyunjin delicately navigated the labyrinth of emotions within Felix.

But amidst the profound connection, Hyunjin sensed a hidden pain—a wound that Felix had buried deep within. It was a secret burden that weighed heavily on his soul. Hyunjin's heart ached as he witnessed the raw vulnerability emanating from Felix's being.

Determined to offer solace, Hyunjin projected waves of empathy and understanding towards Felix. He gently reassured him that he was not alone, that his struggles were valid, and that there were people who cared deeply for him.

Felix's eyes welled up with tears, overwhelmed by the compassion he felt emanating from Hyunjin. It was a cathartic release—a moment of vulnerability shared between two individuals who had connected on a profound level.

As the session came to an end, Hyunjin slowly looked away, severing the link between their minds. The room was enveloped in silence, the weight of the experience still lingering in the air. Hyunjin and Felix exchanged a knowing glance, silently acknowledging the bond they had formed.

Captain Lee broke the silence, her voice filled with admiration. "Hyunjin, your gift is truly remarkable. You possess not only the ability to read minds but also the power to offer genuine understanding and comfort. It's a gift that we can harness to build stronger connections within our team."

Hyunjin nodded, humbled by the captain's words. He had always viewed his gift as a double-edged sword, but in that moment, he realized its true potential—to bridge gaps, heal wounds, and bring people closer together.

He also knew that he could also mentally break a person. Which is precisely why the government had recruited him. To decapitate the minds of their foes.

"Alright, let's move forward, shall we?" Captain Lee addressed Felix, turning towards him. "Since Hyunjin has already revealed your gift, would you like to demonstrate it for all of us?"

"But no one is injured," Felix replied.

"That's alright," Captain Lee said, pulling out a knife from her back pocket. She proceeded to make a deliberate incision on her palm. "Here. An injury for you to heal."

"You really shouldn't have done that," Felix complained, quickly approaching the captain and placing his palm above the wound. A small ray of golden light emanated from his hand, instantly healing the wound.

The group applauded Felix for his quick treatment of the injury, but Hyunjin was the only one who noticed the beads of sweat on Felix's forehead and his heavy breathing.

Hurrying over to Felix, Hyunjin handed him a bottle of water. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Felix reassured, thanking Hyunjin for the water. "Just a little overwhelmed... with everything."

"What I did," Hyunjin began, concerned. "Was it too much? Did it make you uncomfortable?"

Felix shook his head immediately. "No, no, what you did was with good intentions. I'm just overwhelmed by a mix of emotions right now."

"Felix..." Hyunjin pressed, unconvinced.

"I'm okay, really!" Felix insisted. "Now, let's head back. Everyone is staring at us."

Hyunjin turned to the group, who indeed were gawking at the two in confusion. Eventually, they walked back, receiving endless praise from everyone for their extraordinary abilities.

"Felix, that was amazing!" Jisung exclaimed. "You could make a fortune as a doctor. Why are you working as a kindergarten teacher?"

Felix fell silent at the question, not wanting to answer. Hyunjin glanced at him, filled with worry. This was the deep-seated wound that Felix had buried within himself, and even Hyunjin couldn't extract it from him.

The room was engulfed in silence until Instructor Choi prompted Jeongin to go next. While everyone's attention shifted to the youngest member, Felix stood quietly in the corner, his head hung low. Hyunjin's gaze never wavered from him. He was concerned and deeply worried for him.

┈─────── ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-


Can you guys tell that Felix is my bias? Or that Hyunjin is my bias wrecker? It's not too obvious, is it?

Anyway, there are a lot of depressing back-stories waiting to be uncovered, so stay tuned for more updates!

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