"Now, what does this mirror do? I see what I desire. I see myself holding the stone. But how do I get it?" the man raised his voice again.

"Use the boy".

A voice that didn't belong to either individual sounded out in the room.

Harry immediately glanced around to try and locate who was speaking.

But he saw no one else.

"Come here, Potter! Now!" Quirrell yelled and turned back to face Harry.

The boy found himself walking towards the professor, stopping in front of the mirror.

It would be unwise to disobey his orders at this stage.

He didn't quite know what exactly was going on.

Or the true danger he was in.

"Tell me, what do you see?" Quirrell asked.

Harry looked into the mirror.

He waited for the figures of his parents to appear above him, just as they had done the last time he was in the mirrors presence.

But something else happened.

The reflection of himself reached into his pocket and pulled out a red stone.

The Philosopher's stone.

Harry felt his eyes go wide as he watched the powerful object being in his possession.

His reflection winked at him before reaching down and placing the stone back in his left pocket.

Harry then reached down just as his reflection did, and when his hand touched his left pocket, he felt something in there that wasn't there before.

The stone was actually there.

He actually had it.

"What is it? What do you see?" Quirrell demanded upon seeing the boy's reaction to finding the stone in his possession.

"I'm shaking hands with Dumbledore. I've won the house cup", Harry chose to reply.

Perhaps he could keep the professor from knowing the truth.

Only he could see what the mirror showed him.

Bel and Ron proved that to him at Christmas when they couldn't see his parents, but instead saw something else that he himself couldn't see.

"He lies".

The mysterious voice called out into the room again.

"Tell the truth! What do you see?" Quirrell yelled at Harry who kept his mouth firmly shut.

"Let me speak to him".

That voice again.

"Master, you are not strong enough", Quirrell spoke as he glanced away from Harry.

"I have strength enough for this", the voice replied.

Professor Quirrell reached up and started to unwrap his purple turban from his head.

Harry chose this moment to start backing away from the man.

With each step he debated calling out to Bel.

But he found himself staying silent.

Ron needed her more than he did right now.

And he didn't want to put his friends in more danger than he already had done.

Friendship and bravery.

That's what she had told him.

Think about keeping your friends safe.

Power and Persecution [1] || Harry Potter x OC x Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now