Chapter 95 Settling Accounts

Start from the beginning

"Are you hungry?" Ning Tang asked. "The food is not ready yet. There are some snacks in the fruit box on the coffee table. Have a bite to hold you over until the meal is ready."

Erniu went to the coffee table and saw cashew nuts, longan fruits, fried sazi, sugar triangles, and rice crackers in the fruit box. She took a few pieces of sugar triangles and put them in her mouth. They were crispy, fragrant, and sweet, making a crunchy sound when she bit into them.

Sanwa saw her enjoying the snacks and shouted, "Give me a piece to taste too."

Erniu glanced at him and said, "Do it yourself. Work hard to have plenty."

Sanwa made a funny face at her and said, "If you do it yourself, then do it yourself." After speaking, he peeled a few longan fruits, threw the pits into his mouth, and chewed on the fragrant and sweet flesh. He even thoughtfully handed a handful to Erniu and said, "If you don't care about your little brother, I care about my sister. Here, have some."

Erniu was amused by him and slowly ate the longan fruits.

Shen Lie took a sip of tea and glanced at the clothes on the three children. "Oh, not bad. You're dressed quite stylishly."

Dawa proudly said, "Of course, but it cost quite a bit of money."

Shen Lie raised an eyebrow and continued along the same line of conversation, "How much money did it cost?"

Dawa almost blurted out the actual price but hesitated for a moment and said, "...not, didn't spend much money. They were gifts from someone."

Shen Lie squinted his eyes. "Which friend is so generous?"

Dawa knew he couldn't hide it anymore. The clothes they were wearing were obviously not cheap. They were the kind of clothes seen on TV. He decided to be "honest" and said, "We know the shop owner. They sold it to us at half price, so we didn't spend much money."

He was the shop owner himself, selling and giving away to himself. Hehe, no problem, right?

Indeed, they did buy the goods at half the market price. If calculated based on the purchase price, they didn't spend much money. It was a good deal.

Shen Lie snorted coldly, went upstairs, and brought down a few large packages. He placed them on the table and said, "Shen Dawa, don't tell me that these two packages didn't cost much either."

Dawa glanced at them and realized that the three packages on the table were none other than the ones he had sent back. One package contained cosmetics and skincare products for his mother, another contained clothes he bought when he went to Shanghai, and the largest package contained clothes he bought at wholesale prices. Seeing that they were of good quality, he packed them and sent them back for Ning Tang and Shen Lie to wear. It wasn't just here, but Erniu, Sanwa, Fang Fang, and Dahu also received a lot of clothes.

Dawa looked around nervously and hesitated. "Um...this...this..."

Shen Lie tugged at the corner of his mouth. "Confess honestly. Confession brings leniency, resistance brings severity. It's the Lunar New Year, don't force me to punish you."

Ning Tang brought the dishes out, coincidentally hearing the phrase, "During the Lunar New Year, it's not appropriate to hit children."

Dawa took advantage of the situation and said to Shen Lie, "Dad, did you hear that? Mom is the sensible one."

After the New Year, he would run away. He didn't believe his dad could catch up to Shanghai!

Ning Tang looked at his smug expression, her mouth curved, and added, "If there's a need to hit, it should be after the New Year."

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