Chapter 33 Soft Beauty OmegaX Hard Mouth alpha33

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The results of the college entrance examination came out, and everyone was admitted to the ideal university. The class leader suggested that everyone have a meal together and get together for the last time before going to university.

    Everyone agreed and set the time for August.

    Since Su Ruihua brought the clothes home, Chen Chen hasn't contacted him for a while. The happy game life in summer vacation has just begun, and he pesters his brother to play games every day.

    After Su Ruihua found out helplessly, he downloaded the game to play with them, and received Chen Hulin's angry eyes, "I asked you to play games with me for several years, but you were unmoved. As soon as my brother said he wanted to play, you downloaded it. Bah!"

    Su Ruihua continued to remain unmoved, started to try the game, practiced his skills hard, and successfully made Chen Chen abandon Chen Hulin and play with him.

    Chen Hulin: ...

    co-author Now in the relationship between the three of us, I am becoming more and more redundant, right?     Chen

    Chen followed Su Ruihua to run the map while eating snacks. He seemed to inadvertently asked: "Brother Su, is Grandpa Su still staring at you?"

With a big sigh of regret, Su Ruihua sharply said: "What's wrong?"

Chen Chen: "I also said that I wanted to fall in love...but it can't be done." Su     Ruihua

    's heart tightened, "With whom?"

With a sweet smile, Su Ruihua crazily prodded Su Ruihua, "In the game, they say that online dating is so sweet, someone will give you a skin to take you to lie down and win, and will say good morning and evening to you every day, how fun." Su Ruihua frowned,

    carefully Thinking about the person I met since playing games recently, is it the rookie who beat monsters for a long time but was killed by monsters?

    Or the peacock who is dressed in colorful clothes all day long? Or the little guy who hangs around in their team all day long?

    But he immediately continued: "I can also give you the skin, take you to lie down, say good morning to you every day, and take you out to play." Chen Chen flattened his mouth, right


    "But you are an older brother, they are different."

    Su Ruihua gasped for breath, "I am your boyfriend now, if you want to find him, you have to wait until we break up."

Chen Chen muttered in a low voice, "I will also find you if I find you." I don't know."

    Su Ruihua raised his voice, stopped the movement of his hands, and was killed by BOOS in an instant, "Dust!"

    Chen Chen hurriedly manipulated the character to back away, "Oh, why did you die. Okay, okay, I Just help you, don't worry, Grandpa Su won't urge you to go on a blind date again!"

    Chen Chen exited the game with satisfaction, and opened the chat group with Song Qiao Lili and the three of them.

    Chen Chen: Uuuuuuuuuuu I tested him today and said that he wanted to find someone else to date online, but he refused.

    Lily: Isn't that great!

    Chen Chen: But he didn't say he likes me? Just don't let me find someone else.

    Lily: I think he likes you, why don't we stimulate him again?

    Song Qiao: Come on a big one! My cousin is alpha, he is tall and handsome, he just came back from the university holiday, how about I take him to the dinner party? [Picture]

simple beauty is the male supporting role (Quick wear)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum