24. Unicorns Blood

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"Alrigh' off ya go now. Bel knows what to do if ya spot the creature", Hagrid concluded as he walked off with Ron and Hermione.

"This way", Bel said to Draco and Harry who both looked extremely annoyed that they were in a group with each other.

"That oaf took the only lamp. I can't see a thing", Draco immediately complained as the three, accompanied by Fang, took off in the opposite direction.

Bel rolled her eyes and took her wand out from her robe pocket.

"Lumos", she said, and the tip of her wand lit up.

There wasn't a word from her wand.

There hadn't been for weeks.

In truth, it made Bel feel uneasy.

Like it was staying silent for a reason.

But she had decided to take it as a win. She hated the way it would taunt her, and she certainly didn't need it in the forest.

"Wait till my father hears about this. This is servant's stuff", Draco continued to complain from Bel's left side.

"If I didn't know better, Draco, I'd say you were scared", Harry replied from her right.

"I'm not scared, Potter", Draco spat back.

Suddenly, a howling sound called out from behind them.

Bel turned around and held her wand out, letting the light shine in the direction the sound came from.

There was nothing there.

"Did you hear that?" Draco asked as he cowered behind Bel, using her as a human shield.

"Whatever it is will be calling out for others of its kind. As long as you don't start howling it will stay away from us", Bel reassured as she turned back around, causing Draco to step away from her.

"Hear that, Malfoy? Don't start howling in fear. I know that might be hard for you", Harry said with a smirk as they continued walking.

"Come on, Fang", Bel instructed to the dog before Draco could reply.

Fang quickly jogged forward and took the lead, sniffing the ground and tracking the unicorn.

"Exactly how many times have you been in here?" Draco asked Bel after a minute of silence.

"A few. Professor Dumbledore gave me the task of helping Hagrid with his jobs", Bel replied.

"Why would he do that?" Draco asked in a cold tone.

"Because ... Hagrid needed help and I volunteered", Bel responded.

She didn't need Draco Malfoy knowing the truth about her wand.

It would only mean trouble.

And most likely would only give him incentive to tease her more than he already did.

"Does it have anything to do with the mysterious lessons you have with Dumbledore every week?"

Bel almost froze at Draco's next question.

He was a Slytherin. He had never seen her timetable or been around when she had to leave to go to her lessons.

How did he know?

"What lessons?" Bel tried to lie.

"Don't play dumb with me, Whitlock", Draco spat.

"Lay off her, Malfoy", Harry retaliated.

The two boys then started to bicker with each other until Bel spotted a small bird lying on the ground.

"Stop", Bel said firmly.

Power and Persecution [1] || Harry Potter x OC x Draco MalfoyDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora