Maekora's disappointment was palpable as she looked at the man Princess Rhaenyra had once swooned over. She couldn't fathom what had captivated Rhaenyra's heart.

Maekora sighs, "Ah, Prince Daemon. The tales of your exploits precede you. I must say, they did nothing to impress me. You seem to enjoy the attention, though."

"As do you, Your Grace. I expect you are getting a lot of attention from the Princess. She has shown a lot of interest in you. I do find it quite interesting."

"The only thing that is interesting to me is that someone was actually willing to marry you," Maekora counters as Ser Wyatt smirks, "Poor Lady Laena is probably deprived of pleasure and fun in this marriage."

"I could say the same about your husband, where is he now? Did he die of boredom? You probably killed him and put him in bottom of the fucking ocean," Daemon's lips curve into a smile.

"That is where he belongs. And I will gladly put you there right beside him if you do not get to the point," Mae says through her teeth, as she smiled at him.

Their words hung in the air, heavy with tension. The verbal standoff reached its peak when Ser Richard drew his sword and pointed it at Daemon, a show of protection for his queen.

"One false move, and my blade will find its mark," Ser Richard shoved the blade close to the Prince's throat. It was no use.

Daemon's laughter echoed through the hall as he pushed Ser Richard's sword away with a mere flick of his finger, cutting him but he ignored it.

"Ser Richard was it? The ever-loyal Queensguard. Your dedication is admirable, but unnecessary. I mean no harm to your queen."

With the tension lingering, Daemon shifted the conversation.

"As much as this has been entertaining, a fight is not what I am looking for," Daemon tells her.

"Then what it is you seek, Daemon?" Maekora sighs as she rests her arm on Truefyre. Ser Wyatt stands with a firm look on his face beside her, a hand on his own sword as he listened. Ser Richard was behind Ser Wyatt, standing protectively, but still slightly embarrassed.

Daemon turns serious as he stands confidently, "My Queen, let us set aside our differences for a moment. Consider the safety and future of Princess Rhaenyra. Many doubt her legitimacy, and it is our responsibility to protect her. If you truly love her as you once claimed, a betrothal can solidify her position."

Maekora's skepticism wavered for a moment as she considered the well-being of Rhaenyra. The weight of the decision bore down on her, as she laughed to herself.

Daemon stares at her confused, "What are we laughing about?"

"You are telling me that you care for the Princess's reputation and safety? You did not seem to care when you took her to a whore house and were going to fuck her right then and there. Was that your way of protecting her or did I miss something?"

"That was a mistake. I spared her that night," Daemon grits his teeth as he approaches her aggressively. Mae returns the energy as she approaches him too. Their faces merely inches apart as they stare at each other.

Swords were drawn behind her but she waved them off.

"Spared her from what exactly? It is because of you that Rhaenyra is in a relationship of duty and not love. It is because of you that Rhaenyra is now subject to abuse in her own home! The children suffer insults in their own home! Does that sound like she is safe to you?" Mae angrily spits out as Daemon does not move away.

"Help me fix that, my Queen," Daemon whispers to her.

Mae scoffs, "I do this for the sake of Rhaenyra. It is her birthright. She will sit your family's throne. Do not think I am doing this to HELP you."

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