"That's the TARDIS' humanoid form," Hela quietly told a startled Martha.

Thor was about to walk in but was stopped by Luna, "Is Loki away from here?" she asked. "Yes, he's with the twins and Teddy," Thor informed her. Odin had expressed his regrets about all the stories about the Jotunns, that while they were dangerous, it depended on how they were raised. Slowly he revealed that Loki had in fact been a Jotunn, that he had found a baby that had been left for dead and took him on, and wrongly hiding his identity by enforcing those stories. Granted, some were scared by the revelation, but them some brave children came forward and asked to see his other form, and they expressed how cool they thought it was. The adults who grew up with those stories saw the children becoming friendly with him again and then they started to come around. For both the adults and children, it was partly because of the nice blonde haired woman that they noticed the god adored. No cruel person would openly adore somebody else, would they? When the weather was hotter, the children knew they wouldn't find Loki out, so they asked if storytelling could be done indoors that day. The other Asgardians knew on hot days they wouldn't see Loki out, and if they did, they would keep a discreet eye on him in case the Prince needed shelter. Eir, the lead healer, had taken it upon herself to learn about Jotunn health. She learned what is needed in case Loki overheated or if he was injured.

Loki looked at the screen with wide eyes. They really did that long ago? He knew they did it now because of A—well that hasn't been revealed yet.

Odin had looked into the TARDIS, "Thor, pick the Doctor up, I don't think Hela is letting anybody near Ivy," he ordered. Hela was already getting ready to pick up her Mistress, allowing Thor to walk through with the Doctor in his arms, thankfully the TARDIS landed close to the healers. Frigga motioned for Martha to come out of the ship as Hela left with Ivy, "I believe some portraits and a dog would like to know what had happened," she told her. As soon as they stepped out the doors slammed shut behind them, not letting anybody in again until her two pilots were alright.

Eir looked up as the she heard the footsteps and saw Prince Thor carrying an unconscious Time Lord in. Immediately she could tell why Luna was demanding Loki to be away when they arrived, the Doctor still had an aura of heat around him. Hela walked in with Ivy who seemed to be just over exhausted with the side effect of the heat and what she had been feeling through her own bond with her husband. "What happened?" Lily asked as the portraits were brought in with Padfoot following behind Luna who had was carrying the portraits. Martha gave a brief explanation as to why the Doctor was in the state he was in. "Loki charmed some ice packs," Luna hinted seeing the healer's thinking face. Eir's eyes lit up as she brought the container with the ice forward, picking up some gloves and moving the ice around the Doctor's body to lower his temperature.

"Oooh, you're steamy hot," Ivy teased and saw a small smile appear on Ten's face. His body had been so hot that even with Loki's charm, he still created steam.

Frigga had been looking over Ivy, "I believe the heat with saving those people just made her exhausted," she theorized. Hela nodded, "Death was just telling me, she was overly exhausted, magically and emotionally, and the heat didn't help," she voiced the mental conversation she had from Death. Both Death and Bad Wolf were reaching their limits taking over the body, knowing it would make the exhaustion worse.

After a few hours, they checked in on the couple after informing the children that their parents were back but needed a lot of rest. The portrait of the Lovegoods even came to see them. "She is resting all right, I have no more worries about her, but he seems to be stressed, he's all tensed about something," Eir informed the royal family. Padfoot looked up at the portrait of the Potters and told them something. "Padfoot said the Doctor needs Ivy closer to him," James said. Luna's eyes lit up, "Yes, he's telepathic, even unconscious he can be aware of things and slightly hear, he needs his bonded near," she said while recalling what happened when the Doctor had regenerated.

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