Chapter 4 Attitude

Start from the beginning

It's Shen Lie's turn now. Ning Weiguo led Shen Lie into the room, with Sun Aiju and Ning Tang accompanying them.

At the rectangular table in the hall, Ning Weiguo, Sun Aiju, and Ning Tang sat on one side, while Shen Lie sat directly opposite the three of them. It felt like a three-way trial.

Ning Weiguo started the conversation and asked Shen Lie directly, "So, Comrade Shen, what do you think of my daughter?"

Feeling uneasy, Shen Lie picked up his water glass to take a sip, but almost spit it out when he heard Ning Weiguo's straightforward question.

Shen Lie cleared his throat and said, "Uncle, I joined the army and was in the same squad as Jun. When I was serving in the western frontier, if it weren't for Jun, I might not have made it back. Both my parents passed away when I was young, and since you are Jun's father, I also treat you as my own father. I won't hide anything from you. If there's something, I'll tell you directly."

After a pause, Shen Lie continued, "I am aware of my own situation. I am a widower with three children, and people outside say that I am cursed as an unfortunate star who brings misfortune to his family. So, it doesn't matter how I view your daughter. It's only important if she chooses me."

Hearing Shen Lie's self-disclosure, Sun Aiju had initially frowned, but as she listened, her frown gradually eased.

Shen Lie, at first glance, was unremarkable. But as soon as he opened his mouth, it was hard not to want to listen to him. Moreover, Shen Lie didn't mention any of his advantages, such as a high salary or rank. Instead, he placed himself in a low position and gave Ning Weiguo and his wife and daughter the right to choose.

Sun Aiju had a high opinion of Shen Lie's attitude towards matchmaking.

Ning Tang was originally peeling and eating longans but as she listened, she forgot to eat them and started to scrutinize Shen Lie up and down.

She became interested and threw the longan shells aside, then asked Shen Lie with interest, "Hey, are you really cursed as an unfortunate star? What if I marry you, and you end up bringing misfortune to me?"

Sun Aiju glared and said, "Pah, what nonsense about living or dying."

Shen Lie felt a little embarrassed as Ning Tang stared at him intently. "Those are all rumors spread by others. My parents died from overwork, and my deceased wife passed away from illness."

He scratched his head, as if afraid that Ning Tang wouldn't believe him, and added, "If I really had the fate of a lone star, then how come my three children are doing well?"

"You have children, and three of them?" Ning Tang exclaimed.

Ning Weiguo couldn't help but sigh. Her daughter really didn't listen carefully. She didn't know which part she remembered and which part she didn't.

"Yes, two sons and one daughter. The eldest son is seven, the second daughter is five, and the youngest son is three," Shen Lie said truthfully.

Ning Tang couldn't help but wonder in her heart if Shen Lie having children meant he wouldn't ask her to have any.

A young woman in their village gave birth before the New Year. She went to the city hospital to give birth and ended up dying along with her baby.

Even in Ning Tang's era, there was no guarantee that childbirth was completely safe, let alone in this era of backward medical conditions. Ning Tang didn't want to gamble with her life.

Ning Tang asked what she was thinking, "Since you already have children, would you ask me to have a baby?"

Shen Lie didn't expect Ning Tang to ask this, but he stared seriously into Ning Tang's eyes. "It mainly depends on you. I respect your opinion, but..."

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