This was shown through a bucket of her favourite ice cream (chocolate) being laid out for her whenever she entered the kitchen.

On multiple occasions, Fred, George, and Bel had stayed up talking about Quidditch and how the twins could use Bel's magic to create mischief whilst eating buckets of ice cream.

It was one of her favourite things to do, but it strictly stayed between the three.

They called it the Ice Cream Club for Classified Conversing.

Whenever she saw the twins in the hallways, they would tell her that an ICCCC meeting was being held that night.

It became their secret little code.

Ron had pestered Bel about a million times to figure out what they meant, but her lips remained sealed. Eventually, he had given up.

But that didn't matter now, as Bel was getting herself ready for this Christmas Feast.

She had a single nice dress from her time at the orphanage that she was required to wear whenever there were inspections or families came to interview her.

It was a navy velvet, with a small bow tied in the middle at the back.

Bel also wore some black tights and glossy black pumps, as well as a black cardigan to keep herself warm.

She had taken a single drop of the potion Ollie had given her, and her blond curls instantly straightened.

Bel didn't realize just how long her hair was, it almost reached her hips.

Clearly, she wasn't the only one who didn't realize.

"You don't need a jumper ... your hair will keep you warm instead!" Ron exclaimed as she approached them just outside of the Hufflepuff common room where the two boys were waiting for her.

Harry and Ron were both in formal wear.

Well, formal-ish.

Ron was wearing rather worn-down dress robes, a dark shade of grey which used to be black.

Harry wore a similar outfit, but it looked brand new.

It was rather funny to see such young boys dressed in adult formal clothes.

"You don't think this feast will be weird, do you? I mean, we are usually separated from the teachers during meals", Bel spoke her mind as she stopped in front of her two friends.

"I just hope I'm not sat next to Snape", Ron said in both a joking and totally serious way, causing Harry and Bel to giggle.

"To make sure that doesn't happen, we should probably get going. If I knew it took girls this long to get ready I would've said to meet ages ago. Harry and I have been waiting here forever", Ron added as he started down the hallway.

"I'm sorry! I lost track of time", Bel admitted.

"You have a watch now, don't you?" Ron called back as he was already quite a few paces ahead of the two.

"I forgot I had it, to be honest. I'm not used to having new things", Bel said to Harry as he walked alongside her.

"Neither am I", he replied.

"Your family don't get you presents at Christmas?!" 

"My cousin Dudley gets hundreds ... but not me."

"Well, that's no longer the case. I would've gotten you a present too. Next year you'll have one more to look forward to", Bel said which made Harry smile.

Power and Persecution [1] || Harry Potter x OC x Draco MalfoyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat