Chapter 36 Pt. 1: Insecurities and Weaknesses

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"Well, maybe we can both make a fool out of ourselves," I commented, lighting up the air around us.

My response caused a low chuckle to leave Liam's lips. "Maybe..."

"That's the spirit!" I patted his shoulder, then, bounded over to my closet, swinging it open. I tapped my chin with my index finger. "Hmm...What dress should I wear?"

"How about the dark blue one?" Liam said from behind me.

I took the dress out of my closet and turned, showing it to him. "This one?" The dress was a shade of navy blue with flowers patterned out here and there. Its bodice had leaf sparkles and from the waist down, the rest of the dress was in ruffled layers.

"Yeah." Liam leaned back on my bed having his elbows prop himself up. His actions causing the white fitted shirt he was wearing to ride up his stomach, putting on show the bottom portion of his six pack.

I gulped, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks. Spinning back around so I was now facing my closet, I closed my eyes and let out a muted exhale. Reopening my eyes, I removed the strapless navy blue sparkling dress from its hanger. "Umm...Liam? Can you leave the room for a sec, so I can change?" My eyes squeezed shut at how breathy my voice sounded.

"Sure." The squeaking of my bed was all I needed to hear to know that Liam was following my request.

Once my bedroom door closed, I faced back to my bed and laid the blue dress flat on my bed.

I gazed at myself in the mirror from where I stood.

'Tonight's going to be one freaking hell of a night.'

* * * * *

"You sure you don't want to come to the Dance?"

Liam looked at me and gave a half smile. "I guess. . .it's not really my scene."

We were both sitting on the porch swing outside my house, waiting for Amy. He decided to stay and keep me company until Amy showed to pick me up. His words in objection to mine in telling him I was okay in being alone: "A beautiful girl like you shouldn't be left alone." A million butterflies to set off in my stomach at that moment when he said it. 'How could only a few words effect a person so much?'

The feeling of uneasiness has been settling in lately, even though I sometimes don't acknowledge it.

'Is it even possible to almost love someone in just a few months?' That annoying question has been bugging me ever since the day he had confessed he thinks he loves me. I didn't know what to say to that, then and now. 'What was I supposed to say?' All of this could just be some fling that we're taking too seriously. Or, it could be just a dream and I'm actually in a coma, instead.

Suddenly, a chilly breeze swept by causing goosebumps to rise on my arms. My began teeth chattered quietly.

From the quick glance I felt thrown my way, I knew Liam noticed my silent movement. "Here." He got up from the swing and slid off the black hoodie he was wearing.

I immediately shook my head. "No, you keep it. You're going to be cold."

He gazed me with a baffled expression. "Now what kind of gentleman would I be if I didn't let you borrow my jacket." Liam reached around me and covered my shoulders with his jacket. The smell of his intoxicating cologne surrounded me causing my heart to skip a beat.

He sat right back down on the swing and pulled me closer to his side. His body warmth sinking more heat into the hoodie. I smiled and moved a little closer until our sides were touching.

"You look gorgeous in the dress, by the way."

I lifted my head off his chest. "Thanks."

Liam eyed me for a moment before looking out to the peaceful neighborhood view before us. "God. How much I would like it to stay like this forever..."

I let out a relaxed sigh. "Yeah..."

But, I guess everything has to end at some point because the second I began thinking of changing my mind in going to the Dance, a loud honk of a car's horn startled the both of us. We looked over to the familiar car that stopped and parked on my driveway.

The drivers door window rolled down, revealing a very well dressed Amy. "Hurry up, girly. It's past nine," she yelled from inside the car.

I stood up, drawing away from Liam's comforting gesture. "I guess that's my cue."

Liam got up from the swing, also, and nodded his head. "I guess it is."

I studied him for a second before flashing one last final smile. Turning, I was about to make my way to Amy's car until a hand gently grasped onto my wrist and spun me around. Soft - yet rough - lips met mine in a tender passionate kiss.

Though, before I was able to react, he pulled away. Liam cupped my face in both his hands. "Bye, Ava."

I gazed into his shining blue-grey eyes. "Bye, Liam."

However, after leaving Liam a few minutes later, I couldn't help the feeling that that goodbye held more than one meaning.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There's chapter 36 Part 1!!

How was it? Does anyone want to guess what's going to happen??? Predictions?

Anyways, thanks for reading!!

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Bye, you RAVISHING people!!

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