Chapter 74

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Chapter 74


Gao Yonghuai made this call to Tao Mu, in addition to tipping off the news, he naturally also had a little bit of fun in mind.'s recent development momentum is too strong, and Tao Mu is disliked by everyone in the industry. I can't wait for Tao Mu to make a somersault.


However, making a fuss about a person's life experience is too base. What's more, Tao Mu was only five years old at the time. Even if something is really wrong, a sentence "children are not sensible" can turn the page over. So even Gao Yonghuai and his gang heard the news, they just felt that the methods of the people behind the scenes were too shady and ruthless, and Tao Mu was a bit of a villain. I don't have any intention of making trouble.


Of course, it's a good show to see the proud little Tao always get burned when he has nothing to do.


"Mr. Tao seems to be a little bit unlucky to make a villain." On the other end of the phone, Gao Yonghuai suggested in a leisurely manner: "I heard that the incense in the Great Buddha Temple is very effective. Mr. Tao, do you want to burn incense and worship Buddha to get rid of bad luck?"


"Thank you for the suggestion, Mr. Gao, I will consider it." After putting down the phone, Tao Mu rubbed his face weakly.


"What's the matter?" Meng Qi walked up to Tao Mu and patted Tao Mu on the shoulder: "Whose phone number?" "Let's talk about it when we go back."


Meng Qi saw that Tao Mu's mood was not right, and immediately took Tao Mu home.


On the way back, Tao Mu leaned against the co-pilot's window with his eyes closed. The flickering neon lights outside the window shone on his face, and the radiant light and shadow made his outline deeper and deeper.


Tao Mu recalled his time before he was five years old.


He told Li Xiaoheng that he told everyone that he had a high fever when he was five years old and couldn't remember the past.


Actually not.


Tao Mu still has a little impression of what happened before the age of five. He vaguely remembered that his adoptive parents had been kind to him.


Tao Mu's adoptive parents are a couple with infertility. Dean Tao said that at that time, Tao Mu had just been sent to the orphanage not long ago. Because he was good-looking, he didn't like to cry, and he was still a kid. Many couples wanted to adopt him. Dean Tao considered again and again, and finally handed Tao Mu over to his adoptive parents. I think this couple can give Tao Mu a normal family atmosphere and let Tao Mu grow up healthy and healthy.


The development of the facts is also as Dean Tao expected. After the couple adopted Tao Mu, they treated Tao Mu very well. At least Tao Mu didn't know that he was not the child of his parents until he was five years old. Only occasionally, when Tao Mu was playing with the neighbor's children in the yard, he could always hear the neighbor's aunt and his parents lamenting that the child they picked up was quite smart. Tao Mu went back and asked his parents what is a picked-up child? His adoptive parents put their arms around Tao Mu and said that he was a child picked up from the garbage dump.

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