11. Troll in the Dungeon

Start from the beginning

The class all picked up their wands and practiced the movement along with the Professor's demonstration.

Bel felt almost scared as she held her wand in her hand now that she knew just what it was.

"Oh and enunciate. Wingardium Leviosa. Off you go then", Professor Flitwick uttered.

Each student began repeating the enchantment and moving their wands just as they had been taught, aiming them at the feathers on the desks.

The aim, of course, being to make them fly.

"Wingardium Leviosa", Ollie and Riley both said at the same time, but there was a third voice that distracted Bel.

This spell is rather boring, don't you think?

Bel rolled her eyes and tried to silence the voice in her head.

She hadn't yet started her actual lessons with Dumbledore for control.

She hoped she would learn how to shut the voice up. 

It's well beneath your ability. Sorry, our ability. I can show you something that will impress the others to no end.

I don't want to do that. Bel thought.

Why not? It'll be fun. And it will show everyone what your made of. Don't you want to show them the greatness that lies within you?

No. Bel thought.

"Aren't you even going to try?" Riley asked her, taking notice of Bel's hesitation with the spell.

They think you're weak. Give it a go. It'll be fun.

Bel took in a deep breath.

"Wingardium Leviosa", she stated and pointed her wand at the feather.

It suddenly rose up into the air, moving in the direction that Bel's wand moved in.

"Well, look at that! See here everyone, Miss Whitlock's done it! Five points to Hufflepuff! Well done, dear", Professor Flitwick exclaimed with glee as he watched Bel's feather float around the room.

Ollie and Riley both looked at Bel with glowing faces and large grins, which she couldn't help but return.

"What a show off. Just because the stupid hat said she had power, the freak thinks she knows everything", Bel heard Draco say across the room.

Bel locked eyes with Draco and felt the familiar feeling that she experienced so often in the orphanages.



Before she knew it, the feather burst into flames in the air.

Everyone in the classroom looked up at the feather which was burnt to a crisp and drifting back down, where it landed in front of Draco.

Malfoy looked back up at Bel who was glowering at him across the room.

"Over did it a bit there, Miss Whitlock", Professor Flitwick exclaimed.

Luckily, he didn't take much notice as crazier things had happened in first-year classes where the students were learning magic.

Bel snapped out of her glare towards Draco and looked around the room where she was met with multiple eyes on her.

Some were fearful, but most were shocked.

What did I tell you?

Bel placed her wand back onto the table before tilting her head down to the ground.

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