A faint smile gentled his tight expression. "Our butler is nothing but thorough."

"I noticed."

He hesitated for a moment before going ahead and asking, "Are you still mad at me?"

She stiffened. "Yes."

He sighed. "Let’s talk it out. Okay, love? Just like you, I don’t want us fighting either. But before anything else, I want you to know that I never want to make you feel like I’m caging you or controlling your life. I feel terrible that I made you think like that with my recent actions."

"So you admit that you’re wrong?"

His lips tightened but he still managed to speak in a calm voice. "I admit that I’m wrong in making a decision on your behalf regarding your work without consulting you first. That was a mistake on my part. I realize that now. But you must also know thatI come from a good place and I only want what’s good for you and our babies inside you. I won’t be sorry if it means keeping you and our babies safe and healthy even if you think that my methods might be a little extreme."

She didn’t reply but her expression indicated that she was listening to him. Her anger was still there but it wasn’t as volatile as earlier.This encouraged him.

"That’s why we need to talk, love. We’ll discuss how much workload you can have while you’re pregnant that is comfortable to both of us. Because to be honest, if it were up to me, I don’t want you to work at all."

She glared at him after hearing the last sentence.

He held up a hand. "Hear me out first, okay?"

She huffed at him but still nodded and gestured for him to continue.

"Thank you. As I was saying, I know that you don’t like to hear me saying that I don’t want you to work but that’s how I feel, especially after you almost scared the soul out of me when you fainted at the hospital last week. I thought that you fell into coma again."

"I’ll be more careful next time," she said, her tone becoming softer. "But I was also frightened that day, you know. I thought that you...y-you—"

He hurried towards her and had already enveloped her in his arms before she could even react. "I know, love. I know. Both of us weren’t in our best states that day. But we’re okay now, aren’t we?"

She only hesitated for a second before his masculine scent flooded her senses with warmth and comfort, causing her arms to instinctively wrap around his waist and return his embrace.

"We might not always see eye to eye, but we’ll still be okay in the end, I promise," he said. "Just like you said, we’re lovers and partners in life. All the blessings, we’ll cherish them together. All our problems, we’ll resolve together. No matter what life throws down at us, no matter if they’re good or bad, we’ll face and tackle all of them together."

His Genius Wife is a SuperstarTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon