39| Die For You

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"Okay I was nervous before, but now I'm really nervous." Kenna says gripping my arm. We decided to eat at The Hampton Social by the Chicago river and Kenna has been shitting bricks the entire drive there.

"What are you nervous about, baby?" I ask pulling in to the parking lot.

She takes a second to answer and then she brings her focus back to me. "I can't think of any reasons." She answers.

"Come on, Kennedy." I say smiling and gesturing towards my hand. She takes it and we hop out of the truck and walk towards the entrance.

Ken's grip immediately tightens when she spots her Dad and I can't help but let a small chuckle escape from my mouth.

"You're gonna cut off my fucking circulation." I laugh leaning down and whispering.

"Don't be such a baby." She whispers back and tightens her grip.

"Kenna, Wes! You two look so cute together, oh my!" Tess exclaims. I smile and pull out Kenna's chair for her before sitting down.

"I've never done this before, how am I doing?" I mumble into Kenna's ear.

"You look hot when you're nervous." She mumbles back and giggles.

"I had no idea you were coming to Chicago, Carter. Glad you could make it." Cole, Kenna's Dad says.

"Thank you sir. Kenna asked me to so I did." I reply smiling.

"Good man." He says tipping his beer to me. Kenna takes my hand from my lap to hers and intertwines our hands.

"You okay?" I whisper turning my attention towards Kenna. She nods and a smile spreads across her face, one that I can tell is genuine.

Kenna and Tess talk about how surfing and school is going, when Cole turns towards me.

"Now tell me Carter, you and Kenna.. are you guys serious?" He asks talking quietly enough for Kenna to not hear.

"Yes sir." I answer without hesitation.

"Good. That's good. I can tell she's happy." Cole's expressions, unlike Kenna's, are extremely hard to read, mainly because of his monotone voice. But I don't let it intimidate or affect me.

"I love your daughter, sir." I reply smiling and turning towards Kenna.

"Look how cute." She says to Tess, showing the small bandana fabric tied around her ring finger.

"That is adorable! What's the meaning behind it?" Tess asks taking her finger and admiring the cloth.

Ken smiles and turns towards me to find me already looking at her. She holds my gaze for a few seconds before turning back towards Tess.

"We are practically married." She giggles.

"What? Let me see." Cole interrupts. Kenna let's out a louder laugh showing him her finger. His body relaxes when he doesn't see an actual ring.

"Oh come on Cole, let the kids live it a little." Tess grins and nudges Kenna's arm. I can tell Ken feels comfortable around Tess by the way she's breathing and not fidgeting with my hands.

Tess has been a blessing in disguise for Kenna and I can't help but feel utter gratitude towards Tess. As much as my Mom has helped Ken, she can only take so much before having to deal with her own problems.

We sit and eat together, the entire lunch is mainly Kenna and Cole making up for lost time. Right before Kenna and I are about to head towards the truck, Cole stops me.

"I really like you Carter. Truly." Cole says quietly and peaks around my shoulder, making sure Kenna can't hear him.

"But if you hurt my daughter. I hurt you." Cole threatens. I can tell he really cares about Kenna which I appreciate. But come on, I was the one there for her when she needed it the most. If anything I should be threatening him.

"Respectfully sir, the last person who hurt your daughter now has a broken nose and jaw, an impounded car, and a jail sentence because of me. I don't think I'll be any trouble to you." I reply patting him on the shoulder.

Cole drops his hand from my shoulder but gives me a tight nod, clearly not taking offense to my words. Good.

"It's comforting to know she is with someone who would do anything for her." Cole says genuinely.

"I'd die for her, Mr. Calvin." I say firmly. Cole knows I mean every word I say which makes me feel really good.

He pats my shoulder, giving me one last satisfied look and leaves with Tess.

When I make it to the truck, which Cole rented for us, Kenna is already buckled up in the passenger seat.

"Nope. Hop out." I tell Kenna opening her door. She giggles and gets out of the truck.

"What are you doing Wes."

"Have you ever opened a door since we've known each other?" I ask closing the truck door once she's standing next to me.

"Exactly. Let's keep it that way." I say kissing her forehead and opening the door back up for her. She gets in the truck and right when I'm about to close it for her, she sticks out her foot and stops it from shutting.

"What was that for." I ask confused.

Kenna reaches towards me and pulls me by the collar of my shirt.

"Hi." She whispers smiling.

"Hi baby." I whisper back. Our faces are inches apart and I can't help but stand there and admire her.

"What you said to my Dad was cute." She giggles. I give her another puzzled look and she shows me text messages between her and Tess from the last five minutes.

Tess : OH EM GEE. Your Dad just told me what Wes said. SO CUTE.

Me : what did he say?!?!?

Tess : He said how he really fucked up that guy that was messing with you, and that he'd die for you!! TOO CUTE IF YOU ASK ME!

"Oh yeah, something like that." I say chuckling. Kenna pulls me closer and kisses me. Kennedy kissing me is the best feeling in the world, and not even that description does it justice.

"That was for being a good husband, and this-" She stops and kisses me again before continuing, "Is just because I wanted to." Kenna says giggling.

"Husband huh?"

"Husband, boyfriend, same thing."

"That's my girl." I smile kissing her cheek, before closing her door and getting in to the truck.

On the drive home, Kenna and I decided to leave tomorrow morning. She said as bad as she feels, she's not ready to meet Isla and Ava yet, but we will make a trip back during her Fall break.

"I really love Tess." Ken says smiling and presses the button for the elevator.

"Good Kenny. You deserve a Tess." I reply putting my hand in her hoodie pocket and intertwining our hands together.

"I miss Channel." Kenna whispers stepping inside the elevator, me following right behind her.

"Tomorrow baby." I reassure her.

"Thank you for flying here. I don't know if I would've been able to go to that lunch without you."

"Don't thank me, Ken." I insist.

She rests her head on my shoulder as the elevator moves up to the fifth floor.

"You wanna know something Wes?" She whispers.

"Anything." I whisper back.

"I'd die for you too."


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