29| Safe With Me

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My alarm goes off at six in the morning and although this is the time Kenna and I usually wake up this feels like torture.

Kenna groans and rolls on top of me and I chuckle because I know it's going to take me at least an hour to wake her up.

"Come on baby." I whisper sitting up. Ken wraps her legs around my waist and I carry her to the bathroom.

Sitting her on the counter I brush my teeth with one hand while holding her up with the other hand. The girl is not a morning person unless she's getting up to surf.

I grab her hair brush and brush through her hair gently.

"Thanks husband." Kenna says sleepily giggling. I hand her a hair tie and she starts to braid her hair.

Big Sur is about a five hour drive so I wanted to make sure we left around a decent time. Kenna only agreed if we could get Dunkin before heading on the road which I replied;

"You don't have a choice to come or not because the trip has been booked for a week, but yes you can get Dunkin."

I change into black board shorts, and a black Carters Surf Shop tee, as Ken walks over to the hall closet where my clothes are, flipping through what hoodie of mine she wants to wear.

I grab our suitcases and take them down to the truck so I don't have to worry about them later, and when I walk back in, Kenna is sprawled out on the couch already watching Netflix.

"I'm excited I swear." She says looking over at me still tired.

"I know you are Ken." I reply chuckling.

The sunrise fills my apartment with pinks and oranges and twenty minutes later we leave and head down to the truck.

"Suddenly I'm so awake and feel so alive!" Kenna says taking another sip of her drink. I shake my head laughing and Kenna starts doing her driving routine.

She rolls down all of the windows, picks a playlist to fit the vibe, today is Morgan Wallen, and chooses a position to sit in for the entire drive.

"Comfy?" I ask looking down at her, her head in my lap and her feet out the window of the passenger side.

"Yes." Kenna giggles.

When I was looking at places for our trip, I honestly didn't even know what I was looking for.
The qualifications were; cool cliff jumping spots, good weather, and yeah that's about it.

My Dad and I used to go to Big Sur for cliff jumping trips so I know the area pretty well.

The drive consists of me making jokes and Kenna laughing the whole time. It's honestly one of my favorite things about her. Her laugh, her smile, the way she adds on to the joke and we both end up laughing on how bad her jokes was.

Kenna honestly makes me want to be the funniest person in the room, just so I can hear her laugh.


Pulling up to the hotel, Kenna gets up off of my lap and immediately starts jumping up and down in her seat.

Palm trees fill the area and it's the perfect temperature outside. Big Sur is the perfect beach town so I had a good feeling she would like it.

"What do you want to do today Ken?" I ask grabbing the suitcases out of the bed of the truck.

"Anything!" Kenna exclaims reaching to grab one of the bags, I swat her hand away and she rolls her eyes playfully grabbing it anyways.

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