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I've been up since 4 in the morning and I can't go back to sleep. I've dreaded today as much as I've been excited about it. The Surf Summit is a huge deal in Channel and even though I've placed top 3 every year since I started, I'm nervous as hell.

Wes tried his best last night to calm my nerves which worked for a little while, until he fell asleep. I get out of bed and hop in the shower trying my best to not wake him up. Ten minutes later I hear a knock on the door.

"You need anything?" Wes yells from the other side of the door.

"If you get me Dunkin I will literally marry you." I yell back

"Be back in 15."

I get out of the shower once I hear Wes come back through the front door. I throw on one of his big T shirts and a pair of sweatpants.

Wes walks into the room with my Dunkin order and a bouquet of pink tulips and I practically melt to the floor. I grab the drink and flowers setting them onto the night stand and jump into his arms.

I wrap my legs around him and plant a million kisses all over his face.

"Marry me?" Wes says smirking.

"Duh." I reply giggling.

He sets me down and starts cleaning up the room. His room? Our room? I'm not even sure, all I know is that this place has felt more of a home than my house ever has. I don't have to sneak around scared of getting yelled at or wake up before the sun rises to avoid seeing my own family. Home isn't a place, home is a person, and Wes is home.

Time goes by really slow and I convince Wes to take me early to get rid of some of my nerves. The meet starts at 7:30 which feels like a million years away but its only two hours.

The drive on the way to Channel Beach is quiet but my thoughts are loud. My performance isn't even what I'm worried about, it's mainly my Dad. Will he be there? Will he talk to me this time? Will he have tulips for me like he used to?

Wes steps out of the truck once we park at Carter's and starts pulling things out of the backseat. He looks at me through the back window mouthing, "stay there" and pointing to my seat. I do as he says but squeal when he opens my door. I take his hand and we walk around to the back of his truck.

Blankets and pillows spread out on the bed of his truck, with snacks and drinks loaded into a basket on the side. And I realize twice in on hour, I am now melting to the floor again.

My smile is so untamable but it always is when I'm with Wes. He helps me up onto the makeshift bed in the back of his, truck following right behind me. I climb on top of him curling into his lap as he wraps his arms around me.

"Everything you do for me is so perfect ." Wes smiles and kisses my forehead, tucking loose strands of hair behind my ear. A small grin pulls at my lips as I sink into his touch.

"What are we Wes?" I ask without even thinking before saying it. I can tell Wes is taken back when he takes a second to answer.

"Whatever you want us to be. You want to have labels, we'll have labels. You want to wait, we'll wait. I'm all in Ken. I've been all in." His words let out a huge cage of butterflies in my stomach and I can't help but feel a huge weight lift off of my shoulders.

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