06 | morning shift

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The bell dings and gives its usual echo throughout the shop as I walk into Carter's.

"Yo Wes! Where have you been bro? Mack on any chicks last night." Easton says walking out of the break room TJ following behind him.

"Nah saw him leave with some girl, carrying her and shit." TJ says before I can give Easton a smart-ass remark.

"Oh yeah I remember now! I saw the same girl surfing this morning while I was out fishing off the pier." Easton replies nudging past me and grabbing a beer out of the mini fridge.

"You saw her this morning?" Clearly that's the only thing I heard out of the whole conversation because they just both look at me and start laughing.

"You a little star-struck there lover boy? Kenna Calvin is top 5 best surfers on the coast bro. Where have you been? Anyways I'm out, Dads pissed at me again. Piece of shit." Easton leaves the shop and I quickly turn to TJ grabbing both of his shoulders.

"Whatever you're about to say bro, wait til' after you catch up on inventory. This place looks like a ghost town." TJ says pushing my arms off him.

Without even thinking I head to the back and look at the schedule for the rest of the week. The shop opens at 6 in the morning and usually closes around 7 pm. I cant wake up early for the life of me so TJ agreed to take morning shifts. I quickly scribble out our names and switch the schedule so I am on morning shifts.

"What you doing there, lover boy?"

"Jesus you scared me Trent, I have some things I gotta do later in the days this week so Ill take mornings." I say continuing to scribble out and switch our names on the calendar in the break room.

"You have some things you need to do huh?" He replies nudging me and winking.

"Listen I don't care If you wanna have those dreamy eyes and annoying ass smirk of yours glued to Kenna but we gotta hire another person bro. Between here and my dads restaurant I'm swamped." TJ agreed to help me with Carter's for the extra cash but his main source of income is his dads restaurant down the coast a bit called Onshore.

"For sure, I'll put up some flyers and shit so we can get someone on, don't worry bro." TJ rolls his eyes but gives me a love pat on my back and walks out the shop.

What the hell was I doing. Changing my shifts so I can see Kenna? She has her things she needs to stay focused on and I have mine. Don't get distracted Wesley.

Too late Wesley.


I wake up to the deafening sound of of alarm. The sun is barely out so I can at least see without going blind. My dad let me borrow his apartment while he's in Europe, small studio on Oxnard Beach, nothing much but it gets me by.

I turn off my alarm and look at my phone, 5:45 am, Sunday, May 23rd. Waking up this early should be a crime. I throw on my white high top converse and a blue pair of board shorts, not even worrying about putting a shirt on.

Ten minutes later I'm pulling up to Carter's parking in my usual spot. Surfers like to have somewhere to grab food and supplies for their early morning sessions so that's why we open so early. I unlock the doors walk inside, and grab a water out of the mini fridge. When all of a sudden the bell to the shop echoes.


She gives me a half a glance and walks to the back. Clearly avoiding me. Which I don't get. I understand she doesn't want anything serious or whatever the fuck she was going on about but we can at least be friends.

She puts a few waters and some surf board chalk on the counter, still avoiding eye contact. Her hair is up in a ponytail which just draws more attention to her beautiful features. She's wearing a large t shirt and no shoes.

Kenna pulls out her wallet but I reach across and put her hand pack in the bag.

"On the house." I say smiling pushing the contents back towards her. She just smiles and leaves. No thank you, no sarcastic remark. Nothing.

Seems like she's taking this 'no settling down' thing pretty serious. Honestly its probably for the best as much as I like talking to her and seeing her, and don't get me started with her laugh, I really need to focus on the shop and finding a new hire. The last thing I need is for Dad to be pissed.

The bell chimes again and a girl walks in. Tall, brunette with a killer smile. But she's not Kenna. Kinda looks like her though.

"I heard you guys were hiring." She says smiling reaching out her hand. I just nod and meet her hand with mine. Its way too early for any more human interactions today. I pull my hand back and take a sip of my water.

"I'm Riley Calvin, I'd love to take the job." The water that I just intended to swallow does the quite opposite and I turn my face spitting out the water.

"Calvin? Like Kenna Calvin?" I say wiping my mouth with a swipe of my arm. She nods and looks at me confused like a 'duh' look.

"Right right. Of course, yeah. You got the job! Congrats! You start right now. Here's the keys and TJ will be here around 11. Bye now!" I say handing her the keys and grabbing my phone off the counter. She doesn't even look phased she just sets the keys on the counter and walks behind the counter.

That's all I catch her doing, because a minute later I find myself sitting searching the beach for Kenna. When I spot her, I pull my truck around so the back is facing her. I pop my tailgate open and hop upon the bed.

She looks so angelic. Riding the waves like she owns them, smiling when she nails her tricks. She's pretty far out but I catch a glimpse of something on her ankle. Looks like a piece of cloth or clothing.

My Bandana.

What a tease you are, Kennedy Calvin.

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