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" I don't know why I am doing this." I say shaking my head. Wes has been sitting here holding me, making me laugh, and asking me if I need anything. When what I need is to get off of him and move on. Talk to other guys and not get caught up with just one. I really don't want to be tied down this summer. What's the point? Right after I graduate from high school I'm leaving for Semester at Sea.

"Doing what?" Wes says confused turning my body towards him, like I weigh the same as a  feather.

"This." I say trying to hide my frown as I signal my finger between me and him.

"You're just so sweet and fun and beautiful and funny and-"

"You don't have to explain yourself Kennedy. Its okay." He says picking me up and gently setting my feet back on the soft sand. I don't know what to say so I just smile and walk away.

That was short lived.

That's what you wanted Kenna.

Shut up.

I walk straight towards the coolers grabbing a few beers when I feel someone touch my lower back. Wesley?

"One of those for me baby?" I turn and look at the person, automatically wincing at his face.

"Brecken what the hell. Don't touch me." The last person I wanted to see tonight. And for a good reason.

Me and Brecken dated freshman year. When I would accept any attention given to me, good or bad. Back when I would do anything just to feel loved or be touched. So vulnerable. Brecken left scars. Verbally, mentally, and physically. I could throw up just looking at him.

"C'mon Kennedy its been a while why don't we go for a little drive." He says reaching for my arm. Tears swell in my eyes just by the finger that barely brushes across my elbow. I feel so helpless right now.

Say something Kenna.

I cant. Yes you can.

Its too hard. Do it.

Shut up.

"Well don't just fucking stand there and cry, are we gonna go or not." He says raising his voice but not loud enough for anyone else to hear. Moments later I'm backed all the way up against the table with coolers. So helpless.

"For fucks sake. Look at you. Go find another hobby." Wes? Wes.

"And who the hell are you?" Brecken says turning around, his body against me, all I can see is his back.

"Don't act like I don't have 5 inches on you Brody."

"Its Brecken." He says sternly.

"Right, Brecken, Brody, Bitch, same thing no?" Before anything else is said Brecken stalks away back towards the huge group by the fire. My eyes are squeezed shut now waiting for Wes to ask a bunch of questions on why I have so many beers in my hand or scold me for leaving him. But he doesn't. He just picks me up by my waist, my legs wrapping around him immediately and I just cry. No I don't cry, I sob.

Soaking Wesley's shirt and apologizing over and over. I mean poor kid, he just showed up in town not even a day ago and has a girl crying in his arms.

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