23| Promise Me

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"Ashford out of the kitchen!" I yell.

"Sorry Mom!"

The apartment is a mad house but I fucking love it. Noah and I make pizzas while the boys and Elle fight over what movie to watch in the living room. I love when all six of us get together and hangout, even though it can get really hectic.

"Hi baby." Wes says wrapping his arms around me from behind and kissing my ear. Before I can answer him, I look over in the living room and TJ and Elle are practically on top of each other fighting for the remote.

I look up at Wes and we both have the same look on our face.

"Since when we're they a thing?" Wes asks.

"I don't know but I like it."

"Don't even think about it-"

"Double datess!" I exclaim turning towards Wes and pulling down his hoodie string signaling him to meet me eye level.

"You can't say no to me." I taunt, leaning in to kiss him.

"You're so damn right." He replies against my lips.

"Get a fucking room Carter!" TJ yells from across the room.

"Ah I could say the same thing to you, James!" Wes yells back laughing.

Right when I'm caught up with Wes and his stupid smirk, I see Easton sneak back into the kitchen.

"What did I tell you Ashford."

"I just want ONE pepperoni." He cries out. I guide him to the barstool on the other side of the counter and put the bag of pepperonis in front of him.

"The only reason I'm making you stay out of the kitchen is because I don't know how to use a fire extinguisher. And I know we'll need one the second you go near the stove. Sit and eat your pepperonis." The room fills with laughter and I give Easton a 'Im just kidding but seriously stay out of the kitchen' look.

We all fill our plates and pile into the living room. TJ and Elle sit together on one end of the couch while Noah and Easton sit on the other. Wes and I taking the recliner.

"Little throwback to the beach bonfire hm?" Wes says looking at the small chair in front of us.

"Something like that." I joke already knowing where this is going.

"Sit." Wes says laughing.

"How about you sit, and then I sit, and then you stop telling me what to do." I repeat smiling.

Wes does as I say just like he did the night we met and it makes me realize how far along we've come.

"Who the hell chose to watch Moana?" Noah says laughing and taking a bite of the pizza we made together.

"Probably, Wes with the way he's turned all soft for Kenny over there." TJ jokes and Easton let's out a loud laugh.

"Ashford I don't know why the hell you're laughing, I literally watched you pick this movie." Wes says throwing a grape across the room at him.

Easton catches it in his mouth and flips him off.

"So what are we doing for 4th of July?" TJ asks a few minutes into the movie.

Noah and Elle look at me and I shake my head and mouth 'don't' they both nod and look back at the TV.

"We should do a cookout on Channel Beach." Easton answers still chewing on the grape.

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