🌹 soraya100 🌹

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"we're waiting on dominic and apple," i say to my group while we're standing around in the nemophila field, and the group that's on the boat.

i look at v.

🎱 | everything you want is about to happen. how do you feel?

🌹 | ready. more ready than anything. dominic and apple deserve to be with us. we'll take care of them better than ann ever could.

🎱 | she's not suited to take care of anyone. you and dominic will be okay?

🌹 | to be honest, i don't know. i have to get over some shit before we could even talk about anything.

🎱 | what happened?

🌹 | it's going to sound stupid.

🎱 | go for it.

🌹 | no. it's actually going to be stupid.

🎱 | what is ray?

🌹 | he was in this weird thing with ann's daughter. he says it was to gain more information, but i don't know. i know i'm just overthinking, but it's the one person who i wanted dead equal with ann.

🎱 | i mean, i get it. but ann fried his brain. it's different than to think he went into it with a full conscience. ann was taking that away from him. definitely shouldn't have happened, but who's not to say anna came on to him and he just went with it.

i hate when she's right.

i saw how everything went down, and anna was coming on to him.

🌹 | i really hate when you make sense.

🎱 | that's what i'm here for. just call me the angel on your shoulder.

i roll my eyes.

🌹 | i'm still mad at him. i can't get over it.

🎱 | you'll get over it ray.

dominic and apple pop in at the same time, holding hands.

he and i connect eyes, and i look away.

"what's the plan?" dominic asks.

"we're close to you guys, maybe an hour? maybe i don't know," alex tells him.

"really?!" apple questions.

"i have an idea how we'll get in. you two just need to be ready for defense. you're not going to show that you have your memories back until i give cue, okay?"

dominic and apple nod.

"this is it guys! everything now stands on what choices we make, so make wise ones," alex says.

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