🎱 veda89 🎱

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i follow alex into the cave.

"dom... it's me. it's alex," he says, crawling in until getting inside a pretty tight spot.

surprisingly three people fit, barely. you can't even stand up all the way.

"alex... alex?" dom asks him. "you look familiar."

"you know me bro. i promise you. this is my friend veda. she helped me find you. she'll help you gain your memories back."

"how can i trust you? i don't even remember-"

"that's why you trust me. i'm not here to do you wrong. we're risking our lives for you. we've been searching for you. you led us here," alex says, pleading with dominic.

🎱 | we could force him.

🐲 | let him want to do it.

"i led you here?"

"it's a long story. but you want to remember. you do. you told soraya. you wanted to fight with your family. ann is abusing you, and we can show you that. just trust us. can you do that?"

dominic's quiet.

"what's your name again?"


"you look familiar."

alex and i share a look.

"what do you remember dominic?" alex asks him.

"i remember... i remember... my name is dominic fike. i am a criminal."

"an idiot at most," alex smiles. i snort. "but no criminal. you deserve the truth dominic."

"and what's her name again?"

"this is a joke right?" i ask alex.

"this is veda. i'm alex. you want your memories back," alex demands.

"look, i don't care. can i rest? i don't know how you found me but i really would like to be left alone."

"your memories are important!" alex yells, slightly irritated. "we just went through so much trauma to find you and you will want your memories!"

"dude. chill out. you're being overdramatic. i'm chilling right now."

"do you not realize that the more you stay in this one memory, the less you'll remember about everything else? your mind is crumbling. your physical body will forever stay in a coma if you don't decide to wake up and gain back who you are!" i urge. "we can't stay here long. do you not know how much energy we're burning right now to be here with you?"

dominic stares at me.

"then go."

i look at alex.

𝖆𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖒 | d.f. | book twoWhere stories live. Discover now