🐲 alex2 🐲

123 7 17

1:42 pm
⏪️ REW.

"she's out," i say, after slapping soraya's cheek, smearing her blood on them. i go back to applying pressure on her wound.

"what the hell just happened?!" the girl in the drivers seat yells.

"dominic has gone off the rails. we know this," matt says.

"he stabbed her matt," she asserts.

"what are we going to do when we get to the hospital?" matt questions, "who knows if any doctor is alive!"

"we're going to pray that a doctor is there," the girl says before turning a sharp right.

my body and soraya's body flail around.

"seph slow down!" the other girl in the passenger seat screams as i pick my body up and fix soraya's back on her back. i apply pressure to her wound again.

"she's not dying juniper!" seph says.

"you're going to kill her with your driving!" the other girl named juniper argues.

"we need to find my sister! we have to find apple!" i yell over them.

she's important too.

where would she be?

where the hell could she be?!

"we will find her bro. i promise that. but right now, we're down three players, and one of them we could lose forever. trust me when i say ray won't stop until she's found her. they'd have to ship apple to another planet to stop her," matt tells me.

i look at her.

she's been taking care of my sister while dominic and i have been locked up and tortured. she didn't have to do that. i underestimated her greatly from the first impression she gave me.

she pulls through.

she got stabbed because of it.

"what's going to happen with dominic?" i ask, focusing back on matt.

"one battle at a time. and to be frank," he says, putting a hand on my shoulder, "that's a bit of a lesser one."

"i'm here! we're here!" seph yells, before the van screeches to a halt.

seph and juniper jump out, and matt moves toward the back doors.

soraya is still unconscious. her blood is everywhere.

what did just happen?

we were just... i was just...

too much shit just happened!

the doors open and matt hops out. he grabs an unconscious guy with brown hair, carrying him on his shoulder.

seph and juniper grab soraya.

i sit and watch, frozen.

this world... what does it look like? how many people are alive?

"alex! let's go!" juniper calls.

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