➗ matt18 ➗

29 4 8

5:40 pm

i chuckle.

odd one out?


"well i'm matt," i smile, "24. born on november 29. anna told me that means i'm a sagittarius- whatever that means."

"you really have to bring her up?" soraya questions.

"she's integral to my story," i tell her.

"whatever, continue," she says, rolling her eyes.

"i was born to bee and tyler. my mom was addicted to heroin. actually both of my parents, but when my dad left me in the car overnight when i was five while he was high, i think it woke him up. my mom didn't care though. when i was seven she left, leaving me with my father. he was really tough on me. beat me if i said something out of line kind of tough.

i tried to focus on school and getting my education but i didn't really care about it. i focused on girls instead. and getting with them. when i got to middle school, puberty hit me kind of early. i grew a small beard. the girls couldn't stay away from me," i grin.

"move on," soraya groans.

i roll my eyes at her.

"in high school i met dom. he was chill as fuck."

"is," alex says.

"huh?" i ask.

"you said was. he's not dead. it's is."

"sorry. you're right. is chill as fuck," i correct myself. "always has been; that kid. he just flowed with life. met alex when i was a junior. i dropped out that year too and started dealing. i sold to mostly everyone in my high school. i partook in my own drugs too with alex, dom and max and the crew we had. i miss that time," i smile, remembering the laughs i would have with them.

"no f'real," alex jumps in, grinning. "the wild nights, the music, the fun!"

"it was legendary," i agree. "i eventually sold enough to move out of my dads and get my own place. everyone had graduated and started going to college and stuff, so my clientele grew even bigger. i needed to grow my business, so i got dom to help me run orders to people when he wasn't working. i paid him for it. alex graduated and sold for me too," i say.

"let me tell my own story," alex whines.

i chuckle.

"okay, well you want to tell them about our run in?" i ask him.

"you know what, i do," he says.

"before you get into that alex, matt let me ask you something," soraya speaks up.

"go ahead," i nod.

"you in love with anna?" she asks.


"okay, so that means you can understand that she has to be killed as well as her mother."

"here we go again," i huff.

"here we go again?!" she repeats.

"why do you need to kill her? you don't."

"why do you care about her?! she's a narc! a mole! a spy!" she lists.

"her mother probably put her up to it."

"so you knew about ann?"

"no! not until i seen her and she called her mom. she told me her mother was a nutcase."

"and the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree!" she lets out a half breathe mixed with a chuckle. "you were absolutely the reason everything turned out the way it has," she says, staring me in my eyes. "i don't know how or even why, but it's you. and i believe that. there's no changing my mind."

"ray," juniper says, trying to get her to calm down.

"no, because once he got his ass into our van, everything was compromised."

"i didn't know anna or ann were apart of the government," i tell her.

"doesn't matter. you were the catalyst. stop talking or i might just kill you too."

"okay! alex. you want to start your story?" persephone urges. soraya flips me off and i roll my eyes. "alex!" she urges.

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