🌹 soraya65 🌹

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🌹 | dominic?

🦋 | you must be soraya.

i get up off the floor and run, pulling my towel around myself.

"guys! guys!" i scream, descending the stairs like the flash.

🌹 | how- how did you-?

🦋 | i don't know. i just-

🌹 | is this a set up?! ann put you up this?!

🦋 | no! no. i need... i need memories. and i think you're the only person that can help me with that.

i meet everyone in the livingroom, they look at me in anticipation.

"guys, i'm talking to dominic," i inform.

"what?!" alex questions.

"are you serious?" gray asks.

🌹 | me?

🦋 | yes. i've seen the girl named apple. my sister. ann has her.

🌹 | is she okay?!

"what's going on?" v asks.

"what are you two talking about?" juniper asks.

🦋 | yes. she's okay. can you help me? i think i know i'm on the wrong side. i've made a mistake.

🌹 | now you've made a mistake? after stabbing me?

🦋 | i need to piece everything together. you can help me right?

🌹 | maybe i can. do you know where you are?

"he's asking for help," i tell them.

"help? help for what?" matt asks.

🦋 | no.

🌹 | hm. then i just need you to be semi unconscious.

🦋 | semi unconscious?

"ray, what's going on?!" seph questions.

🌹 | asleep, daydreaming, unconscious, you name it.

🦋 | okay. so when are we doing this?

🌹 | i can feel your energy again. i'll do it unexpectedly. that way in case this is a trap, your master won't see it coming. so you stay focused and susceptible. if i can't find you, it's your fault. and maybe i need a few days to convince myself to help you. you fucking stabbed me.

🦋 | i'm sorry about that. once everything gets pieced together, i will make sure that i apologize for it even more.

"soraya!" alex yells.

"hold on," i say.

🌹 | leave yourself open to me. i need to gauge whatever kind of situation this is.

𝖆𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖒 | d.f. | book twoWhere stories live. Discover now