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"what's his issue?" persephone asks.

"i don't know, but come on ray. it's getting close to sundown," i tell her and stand.

she follows me.

ray is the strongest out of all of us who have powers, and i've had my powers for years. i have an upper-hand in a way but day by day i'm losing it.

she's going to be stronger than me.

we've been training together in private. i suggested it since she's leader. if they follow her, they shouldn't question her or sway her judgement.

we've bonded since meeting.

she's taught me a lot.

"are we falling apart?" soraya asks me once we're away from the house.

"no. they don't trust the process. they want answers."

"then maybe i should tell them. we've been too secretive. we agreed on no secrets between us. i'm a hypocrite," she sighs.

"you, my dear, are a smart woman. i mean, come on. they should show you a bit of respect," i tell her, wrapping my arm around her neck.

"they protected dominic and i. they just want to know if i can protect them."

"and that's what you're doing- what we're doing! they will see what you've been planning."

"i need contact. and not contacting and ann finds out. i need a legitimate way in. i don't know what she's done to apple, but she's my best shot."

"it's a slow game. we know this. and we'll prevail," i tell her.

i often think about how she needed me.

in more ways than one.

and i don't mind being their for her. it's different with ray.

before, i didn't want to deal with people and their emotions, but soraya is fascinating. she's chipped away at her impenetrable wall and spilled a lot of her life to me. she always says i remind her someone she used to know.

her emotions don't disgust me. and i'm proud to be there for her.

it's weird.

but it's why i took it upon myself to read everyone.

the first time, it was consensual. instead of everyone explaining their life story, we just cut the time for that icebreaker. to move into our now ever changing plan.

the second, unconsensual, when they were all asleep, so they couldn't hold back any information.

everyone passed the vibe check, except matt.

and right now, we can't focus on him, so that secret is mine to keep.

until then, i will keep an eye on him until we figure the important things out.

i look at her.

"you're doing great," i tell her softly.

she's been in her head for too long.

"doesn't feel like it," she shrugs.

"we're going to kick ann's ass, and we'll get apple and dominic back. i promise."

she grabs my hand.

"thank you for still being here. you could've left, not joined our group, and worked on your powers on your own."

"being alone got too exhausting," i joke, "meeting others like me has been mind opening. for so long i thought it was just me. i'm glad it's not."

"i wonder how much more of us there are."

"ones who are friendly. your picture circulated everywhere. not sure many people left who root for you."

"yeah. i keep thinking someone is watching us and waiting for us to fuck up and kill us. i just want apple and dominic, and safety. no more threats. no more running. normality. our normality," she says, looking around a bit.

"i wish for that too, even though i haven't been around for what you guys went through. a world of peace sounds nice."

"i wish i met you earlier. you would've helped with georgia."

"same with david and nicole," i smile, thinking about what it would actually be like with soraya as a friend back then.

"you still never told me about them," she says, looking at me and looking away.

i squeeze her hand and let it go, also unwrapping my hand from her neck.

"another time okay? let's just get to our place before anyone sees us," i tell her.

"whenever you're ready," she nods.

we continue, picking up a slight jog.

i'll tell her. just, not right now.

i can not open that wound up yet.

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