🌹 soraya1 🌹

206 9 2

2:12 pm

4 Days Left Of Max20
1 Day of Apple Missing

i gasp awake, opening my eyes and sitting up. i take in deep breaths, taking in my surroundings.

i'm laying on a couch that looks and feels familiar- except i can't tell exactly where it's from. i look around the room some more, taking in all of the things that are idly standing around me. it all looks familiar.

that's when i realize. it hits me in the face so bad that i stand abruptly.

why am i inside of dominic's mom's apartment?

my feet press into the soft carpet and i walk over to the kitchen area. it's empty. clean dishes in the sink. apple's room door is open. dominic's moms door still closed.

the way we left things.

what is going on?

"you don't remember sweet girl?"

i spin around at the unsuspecting voice, seeing a pretty young woman sitting in the place i was just laying.

she too looks familiar with sandy brown hair with blonde highlights, a young face that resembles someone or something.

"who are you?" i question.

"oh! i'm sorry for scaring you. i'm jessica- dominic, alex-"

"and apple's mother," i finish, everything making sense now.

it's her from the pictures around the place. i remember staring at a few of them when dominic was distracted with apple.

"very observant. that's good," she compliments.

"what are you doing here?" i ask, taking a few steps toward her.

"this is my home," she smiles. "why are you here?"

"i-i don't know. i woke up here. you're... you're not alive," i tell her and look at her closed door. "what is going on? what is happening right now?" i question, shaking my head. nothing makes sense right now.

"you don't remember?" she asks back. i shake my head at her. "soraya, you're not awake."

"not awake?" she stares at me. "then, then why am i here? at your place? why not anywhere else?"

"that, i don't know. you're doing all of this. has to be a reason why, right?"

"this doesn't make any sense jessica. we said goodbye to you days ago. dominic. apple- oh my god! apple!" i yell as the mention of her name, floods all my memories back.

we were fighting ann. we got to lucille. matt told me apple isn't in the van. dominic stabbed me!

a pain in my stomach causes me to look down. blood starts to seep through my shirt.

another pain sends me doubled over.

we got alex though.

but we lost apple.

and i don't know what's going on with dominic.

"you tell me love. something else is missing too? don't you think? other than my daughter," she says, standing and walking over to me. "don't worry. i have no doubt that you'll bring apple back to you safely," she tells me, caressing my cheek.

"none of my questions are answered. we still have no idea who we are. the government are just add ons now."

my stomach aches, making me drop to my knees, clutching it. i groan out in pain.

"once you find my daughter, knock some sense into my son, would you?"

"trust me," i moan out, "that's my plan."

"you have to go now. you have a family to build." i frown, the voice different. i look up and see myself. "you're keeping a lot of people that care about you waiting."

"wait, where's-"

i touch my forehead, a jolt of electricity running through my body.

a white light fills my vision.

i scream in agony as my stomach burns in pain. my body being held down.

"ray! calm down!"


"we're trying to help you!"

"hold her down! i'm giving her a mild sedative."

something stings my left arm and everything feels cloudy, my limbs feeling heavy.

through my blurry vision, someone looks over me.

i focus enough to see who it is.

"alex," i whisper, feeling extremely sleepy.

"you're going to be okay," he tells me.

everything fades away, and my eyes close.

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