🐍 anna24 🐍

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2 Days Left of Max20
3 Days Of Apple Missing


"don't talk to me," i assert to dominic, as he trails behind me.

i push my hair into a high ponytail for practice, annoyed.

"i'm sorry about last night."

"i don't want to talk about it. ever."

"i need you to know i didn't mean to do that," he tells me.


"i'm serious."

"and i'm serious that i want nothing to do with you."

he grabs my hand, stopping me.

"seriously anna. i know enough about myself that i wouldn't do what i did to you. i don't know how to explain it; the more you touched me, the more my body reacted to it."

"yeah, and not in a good way," i recall, rolling my eyes.

"i know. i'm sorry," he stresses.

i stare at him and his puppy dog eyes.

"we need to go to practice," i tell him, wanting out of this conversation.

"tell me you forgive me, i can't have that on my conscience. i will make sure it never happens again. i wouldn't put my hands on a woman."

i sigh, taking his words as truth.

do not get attached to this empty shell anna.

"fine. i forgive you. only because we'll be working together as a team. come on let's go."

i free my hand from his and turn around, walking to the practice room.

i smile to myself, rolling my eyes.

we enter the practice room.

my mother stands in the middle of the room, chin next to her.

"welcome to our home base!" she announces not letting us get adjusted to the new setting. "we'll be here every day from seven to twelve- you two are LATE."

"sorry mother," i apologize, and stand at attention in front of her, dominic doing the same as me.

"we'll give everything we got in here. we go at a hundred percent every time."

"this is your idea of a pep talk?" dominic asks. i snicker.

"yeah, mother, we're here. let's just move on to lesson," i tell her.

"can i get what i need to say out?" she sighs, "dominic has never trained with me. and chin can barely form a fist, so please, interrupt me again so i can knock you on your ass. yeah?" we don't say anything else. "the more you work together, the more you get to know each other. we'll pick each other up and we won't leave each other behind, understand?"

we all agree monotonously.

"that was fucking shit," mother states, disgust in her tone and on her face as well. "whatever. hands in."

she holds her hand out. i plop mine on top of of hers, and chin and dominic follow.

"team on three." i say.

"one, two, three-"

"team!" we unenthusiastically say together.

"what is wrong with you guys?" mother questions. she shakes her head. "we're starting with a small practice today. learning forms and combat skills. i want three well rounded ace members. unstoppable members."

"and you'll get them mother," i nod.

"good. then let's begin."

𝖆𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖒 | d.f. | book twoDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora