🐲 alex42 🐲

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i watch soraya drag the joint, holding the smoke a bit before releasing it.

"this plant, will forever be my favorite thing earths' produced," she sighs, passing the joint to me.

her eyes are already low, and i'm sure mine are too.

i take it, inhaling, feeling extra high.

"you high yet?" i ask her.

"yeah. you?" she asks back, chuckling.

"yeah," i laugh, "i can tell. your eyes are low as hell."

"yours too."

"i can't believe we broke into this dispensary and now we're smoking on the floor, high as fuck," i laugh.

"we're apart of the cool crowd," she smiles, "when did you start smoking?"

"getting into the same crowd with dom when i was 14. what about you?"

"when i was 14 too. it was how i met my ex that passed. he was my plug," she says.

"oh so you had the hookup!" i tease.

she chuckles.

"i smoked for free, so yeah, i did."

"can i be honest with you?" i ask her, inhaling and passing the joint.

"always," she nods, inhaling deep.

"i don't think dominic's coming back," i tell her, exhaling.

"why do you say that?"

"a feeling. i had a good feeling before. tried to be really optimistic, but now, while actually having the time to sit and think, ann could've really broken him. she might've won."

"now you're sounding like me," she says.

"maybe you rubbed off on me."

"well you have, on me. don't think like that. you have the wrong feeling. whatever apple did with you, she can do again- or we can learn. but we'll find out, and we'll help him. we just have to get him away from ann."

"and if he chooses to stay with her? what if we're stuck with memories of who he was?"

"we both can't falter on the idea that dominic is coming back. we're a team, like you said. we're going to do this shit together. we'll find a solution."

"i know, but, he might be gone forever. i can't shake that."

"don't burn my high alexander. dominic will come back. and when he does, we'll finally be a family." she moves closer, placing her hands on my cheeks. "i need you right now. more than everyone else. he will come back. he'll be our dominic," she says, looking me in my eyes.

"i want to believe you ray. i need to," i tell her, but more to myself. "this is all so fucked," i sigh, softly removing her hands from my face. "in a way, we never really had it. did we?"

"we didn't. but this time, we're moving smarter. do it right. this time ann will lose everything. anna. her stupid team. they'll all die. then she's next."

"let's torture her. the way she has us. she didn't care for me. she just wanted to use me for my powers. so i'll show her what my powers can really do."

"you genius. torture. i didn't even think of that. i just wanted to be done with her," she says.

she sighs after i don't say anything and puts her head on my shoulder.

"we'll be okay?" i ask her.

"we'll be okay," she says, grabbing my hand and giving it a few squeezes.

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