🐍 anna41 🐍

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"can you please get back in!" i yell at dominic, who's standing on land a few feet away, cupping his manhood with his hands.

"so you can joke around like that again? that's not funny anna. we need to go anyway. your mom is going to be looking for you."

"don't be like that," i smile, wafting my hands through the water, keeping myself afloat.

"you play too much anna!"

"you're being sensitive! it was just for fun. you care about me dominic. and you're mad i found out."

"don't tell me how i feel. the vibe was nice, but what you just pulled, ruined all that."

"we're both naked, in a beautiful man made forest, so can you please come back in? so i don't have to yell at least?!"

he sighs, walking in and swimming over to me.

"that wasn't funny or cool," he tells me, once he's near me.

"i'm sorry, but you pushed me off the cliff."

"don't do that again. seriously. it triggered me, and i don't know why."

i wrap my arms around his neck.

"it won't happen again. i promise," i whisper.

we stare at each other.

i move closer and wrap my legs around him. i pepper small kisses on his wet skin.

he begins breathing hard.

i smile to myself and kiss his cheek.

he grabs my waist and forcefully moves me away.

"i can't," he says, gritting his teeth.

"what?" i question.

"my body is rejecting your touch."

"i've held your hand," i frown.

"yeah, not that touch."

"... i can't get physical with you is what you're saying."

"yeah, i think?"

"wow," i state, moving away a bit myself from him. "okay. mother did a number on you. okay. well. this just became incredibly awkward."

"it's not you," he says.

"no, yeah, i know that. can we go?"

"is that why you brought me out here?"

"no, but the fact that happens is weird. i just want to go back to my room. is that cool?" i ask him, a bit of snap in my tone.

what the fuck is wrong with this dude?

"you don't need to ask me," he tells me back, annoyance in his tone too.

we swim out of the water and walk to our clothes.

why the hell can't he get intimate?

what kind of shit did my mother do to alter his mind?

theirs silence between us.

i look down at my body.

i don't mind being naked.

this is my natural body and it gets me to where i need to go. hating on it, only wears the mind down.

i peek at dominic.

what is wrong with him?

oh my god.

did mother make him gay?

that would be like, what? reverse conversion?

how the hell did she do that?

we finally climb our way back to our clothes and put them on.

"you go ahead. i'm going to stay here for a bit. that way we're not caught together," he tells me.

i nod and leave him on his own, following my markers back.

i take the elevator up, wanting to go to the cafeteria for some food.

dominic is definitely not normal.

i thought matt wasn't normal, but i think dominic tops the cake. powers and all.

i step off the elevator, seeing chin entering using the stairs.

he catches eyes with me and flips me off. i roll my eyes.

at least luna was tolerable, and marina was pretty nice. chin is just the worst.

i do kind of miss them.

a little bit.

they were pretty much nothing to me, but they were smart. chin is reckless and doesn't care for authority.

i kind of wish i stood up to mother at his age. i was deathly afraid of her.

now, not so much.

i could probably kill her.

she'd never see it coming.

maybe dominic would help.

i enter the pantry to grab me something to eat.

chin meets me in there, grabbing a handful of food that's nearly too much in his arms.

"you know we need to ration this food," i tell him.

he ignores me, walking out.

i roll my eyes.

"ungrateful brat," i scoff.

i grab some chips and a noodle packet. i go to the bowls and grab one, grabbing a fork as well.

could i have done that to dominic?

nah, can't be me.

it's probably his powers.

but why when i make advances toward him?!

i pour hot water from the kettle that's on the water heater, and place a cover over the bowl. i move everything to a table and sit, waiting for my noodles to soften up.

i crush my chips into almost powder, preparing to dump them into my noodles.

dominic's fucking weird.

𝖆𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖒 | d.f. | book twoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora