🕊️ juniper29 🕊️

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i stare at a bloody can of corn.

what are we?

what am i?

what exactly can we do?

are we dangerous?

how deep does this go?

how many of us are there?

why is it certain people that aren't affected by max20?

"june? you okay?" i hear seph; she interrupting my thoughts, fortunately.

i look at her.

"who am i?" i ask her.

she lets out a slight snort.

"are you realizing just how much of a superhero you are?" she asks.

"no, i mean yes, but if the government has no clue where we come from and only want to kidnap us to experiment on us, then where do we come from?!"

"babe. you are juniper maryann wesley," she tells me, cupping my face in her hands. "you are smart, and kind, and unserious at times, and determined always to see things clearer. you are human. that doesn't change."

"what if i'm not human at all? then what?" i ask her, looking in her eyes.

that would change everything.

"then i'll love you the same. it wouldn't change." she pecks my lips. "relax bug. you're going to drive yourself insane with those questions. we've got a lot to worry about. i'm sure our questions will be answered soon. we just have to wait on it."

"how long do you think that would take?"

"one could only know so much of the universe time span. no matter how long, we keep a level head, yeah?"

i smile. even though she didn't make much sense, i understand what she means.

"i love you," i tell her.

"i love you," she grins, kissing me again. "come on. let's hurry so we can get on the road."

"to mexico we go," i grin. "i hope we get to go to the beach at least once while we train. i know everything's going to be different once we're there. a more serious tone and atmosphere."

"yeah, but we'll be okay; always there for each other. you're not going to be alone june. i promise."

"i promise too," i nod, staring into her eyes.

i really don't know what i would do without her.

i wrap my arms around her neck and pull her in tight to me. i really try to remember her warmth and body and the way being in this close proximity to her makes me feel. i want to remember if ever a moment arises and i'm not able to feel it anymore.

what i hate though, is that no matter what, i will always have to be reminded of that feeling. and i would hate to feel it gone.

i kiss her neck and she grabs my face again, planting a kiss on my forehead.

we gather the remaining food cans and tote them outside to the trunk of the car.

it's pretty full. it looks oddly beautiful. a strange art piece.

"this looks good," seph nods, finding a spot for her bag of cans.

i look at everyone who happens to be standing around.

all of these strangers that i'm connected with. that i have no idea who they were in their past, but we just get along.

do our pasts even matter?

then again, these are my comrades.

they've stuck they're neck out for me.

we're family in a way.

i smile to myself.

a family that cares for me.

"why are you smiling june?" soraya asks me, tapping her elbow against my arm. everyone's attention focuses on me.

"just thinking about how i really enjoy being with complete strangers i barely know, then my own family that i had to endure for years on years."

"that is true," soraya chuckles. "i care about everyone- except matt."

i laugh.

"i care about you too ray," alex and i say at the same time.

"me too," gray says.

"me third," seph jumps in.

"i do too, contrary to belief," matt says.

"good. now let's go," soraya says.

i find a spot for my bag of food and stuff it in the trunk.

i close it and we all get inside the car.

𝖆𝖒𝖒𝖊𝖓𝖘𝖆𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖒 | d.f. | book twoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz