"Even outside our company, my sister’s endorsements are all very successful and at this rate, I’m sure that she’ll become one of the top celebrity endorsers in the country by next year. This only proves that we made an excellent decision to appoint her as our brand ambassador.

"My point is that we should make use of Iris Long’s star power to turn our current predicament around. Why did our stock prices crash in the first place? It wasn’t because of a failure we did as a company but because of Deputy CFO Long Hui’s...ehm, shall we say increasingly ’unpleasant’ image in the media these days?"

Long Hui’s composed expression cracked when Long Jian singled him out by name in front of everyone. He glared at his half-brother but was ignored as Long Jian continued explaining his proposal.

"In short, the main cause of our current problem is image! Our company’s image has been tarnished alongside Deputy CFO Long Hui’s, not just because he holds a high position but also because he’s the eldest son of our President-CEO. If you think about it, it’s not surprising that our stock prices crashed because people are going to think that everyone in the company, especially the president, is tolerating Deputy CFO Long Hui’s ’unpleasant’ behaviours just because he’s the company head’s son."

"You! Enough! Stop spouting all that nonsense!" Long Meng angrily interrupted Long Jian. "Didn’t you listen to the young master’s explanation just now? He already said that not everything being reported in the media about him is true! Stop targeting Young Master Hui! What kind of brother are you?!"

Long Jian’s eyes turned a degree colder. The elder never acknowledged him as part of the Long family, and yet she was demanding him to act like a "brother" to her Young Master Hui whenever it suited her?

Earlier, Long Jian was the one who looked entertained when Long Hui cleverly blamed Iris for his current problems caused by the media. But now, it was Iris who felt entertained watching Long Hui glaring at Long Jian while Long Meng was scolding him in front of everyone for targeting his own brother. She found it funny that the two and their allies were always trying to find fault in her and Long Jian during this meeting in order to shift a part of the blame away from Long Hui when it was clear as day that he was the one who fucked up first. Iris had a strong urge to munch on popcorn and enjoy the entertaining show in front of her.

"Madam Long, my deputy is only stating facts as he should. It’s true that it was Deputy CFO Long’s mistakes that caused our company’s stock prices to crash overnight. Please take a moment to view our current situation with a logical mind instead of letting your emotions take over you, madam. I know some people in your clan have issues with my deputy but I request that you don’t bring that here in the company. Family issues have no place in business," the COO intervened and defended Long Jian. If not for the fact that Long Meng was older than him, he probably would have already harshly scolded her.

Long Meng felt humiliated but wisely shut her mouth and didn’t argue with the COO. It was because the COO was the next most powerful person in Long Industries after Long Tengfei while she was only a small-time shareholder.

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