Warm and depraved.

    He turned to another question.

    "Aoike, do you know where are Taiichiro and Yuichi from your novel...Taichiro and Yuichi?"     "     Tokyo.

    " After the release, the story will be completed, and the parts Taiichiro and the others stole will naturally be taken back by Ms. Yuzi." "     No." Osamu Dazai turned himself over, his chin resting on the sofa cushion, a pair of kite pupils reflecting light: "I Just curious, Miss Yuzi knows that she is a creature of the book because you told it, Qingchi, what about Taiichiro and the others?" "I know, how could they not know     such an obvious change in the living environment."     Qingchi Lianyang took it for granted After he finished his answer, the small door of the chief's room happened to be pushed open a gap.     A little girl with black hair and delicate features appeared at the door, holding a tray with several biscuits in her hand.     The girl's name is Akutagawa Gin, the younger sister of Akutagawa Ryunosuke. Osamu Dazai said that he brought her back because he lacked a secretary to help organize the documents. He didn't tell the real reason, and the novelist wasn't curious either.     Qingchi Lianyang has no objection to this. Not to mention one more person in the place where he lives, even if there is one more teacher, he can ignore it, just don't provoke him, but Miss Yuzi doesn't think so.

    It liked this little girl very much, and the first time it met, it asked Aoike Renyang if he could play with her, and was even more excited when he got the answer. The permanent place changed from the floor of the chief's room to Akutagawa Yin's arms.

    "Boss, Mr. Aoike..."

    The little girl was thin and frightening, her thin shoulders could barely support the black suit and uniform. Although her face was expressionless, her trembling pupils revealed her nervousness.

    Just on Akutagawa Gin's shoulder, a tentacle made of dozens of black threads clung to it, which looked terrifying. She's like a little hapless kid in a horror movie held hostage by an unspeakable monster.

    But the fact is that the source of Akutagawa Yin's fear is not the tentacles on his shoulders, but the two people working in the back room.

    Especially the one lying lazily on the single sofa like a cat.

    "Mom said... let me deliver..."

    Akutagawa Gin still feels like he is dreaming.

    A vagrant whose life was lower than grass became the secretary of a noble mafia leader overnight... The

    tentacles behind her shoulders gently pushed her, just like a mother gently encouraging her children.

    With the sense of security given by the tentacles, Akutagawa Gin finally finished speaking in one breath.

    "Mom asked me to deliver afternoon...snacks for the two of you."

    The tentacle froze for a moment, and resigned itself to making supplements in the air.

    "Afternoon tea"

    Aoike Renyang glanced at his watch.

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