Escalating Promise

Start from the beginning

The tattered cloak the thief wore hung loosely, flapping fiercely in the wind compared to the fitted attire I was dressed in. Unlike everyone moving perfectly fine around them, their limping and stumbling movements suggested they were injured or could barely keep themselves upright due to fatigue, yet the tenacity they seemed to emit kept them moving at blinding speeds as they snatched food without hesitation.

Against the gut feeling telling me to let the sneak escape with the stolen goods, oxygen accumulated in my lungs before I could control what I was planning to do. Releasing all of the energy I'd gathered, my voice carried below to reach the ears of the unsuspecting victims below.


No sooner had the word left my mouth than my pulsating heart froze mid-beat with terrifying quickness.

In the second between my shout and the vendors beneath turning their attention to the mysterious robber, the hood concealing the person's face rose from looking at the ground to lock directly onto me; deep amethyst purple eyes seemingly burning with hatred stared into my emerald ones with pure animosity apparent in their pupils.


Regaining control of my mind at the ever-growing uproars, I spotted the biggest vendor whom the individual had stolen grapes from charging them with something in hand. Without the slightest flinch in fear, the small person disguised in the torn cloak landed their sights upon the muscular man. The instance his eyes fully rested on the vendor the latter's body abruptly fell, his limbs losing all movements and head careening back with no sign that he was longer conscious in his eyes as he collapsed with a heavy thud.

The street grew to a shaky rest except for the clamoring activity of the guards approaching from all angles to investigate the turmoil as the vendors who had quickly rushed behind the now fallen man skidded to a stop in fear and confusion.

Sparing one last parting glance over their shoulder at me, the thief took off in a wordless sprint down the street. Much different to how I reacted the first time our gazes locked, I sensed a new emotion resting in them; one against my better judgment that made my feet move forward without caution after the fleeing suspect as though our weird meeting wasn't one by chance.

"Hey, wait!"

Meters from even coming within range of them, the figure only picked up speed and began to pivot off walls until they landed on a roof with ease, beginning their string of jumping from one rooftop to another to further increase their distance.

You can't be serious. What even was that?!"

Taking down an intersecting path to the right, I kept running directly beneath the mysterious individual. The pebbles on the ground trembled with every hurrying step as I stumbled every few feet trying to keep pace until I found myself coming to a stop. The chasee I was pursuing missing, like they had whisked themselves into thin air to disappear from my sight.

Wherever we were now, the surroundings were bleak and messy incomparable to the blooming view of the budding area we were previously. Trash, rusted metal, and broken glass took up various spots on the single street path and in the connecting alleyways.

In the background, the sounds of the stirred commotion and other lively aspects of the city could no longer be picked up by my ears. With every action that led me to traverse deeper into the dirty scenery, mice, and insects fled from their corners upon my presence, abandoning whatever scraps they munched on.

Should I head back... what if they...?

Cutting off my thoughts; like a warning being sent to my brain, a jolt ran through my mind telling me to turn left... the sudden alertness still moments far too late to save me.

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