"Oh shit!" Lu Zihao cursed.

"What happened?" Jin Liwei asked.

"Turn that damn stupid cat off! My subordinates tell me that there are now other hackers trying to catch her! Some are from the police while some are unknown!"

"What?!" Jin Liwei became dismayed. "Ketchup! Listen to me!! STOP WHAT YOU’RE DOING RIGHT NOW!!!"

"No, Daddy! That bad man hurt Mommy!! Ketchup can’t forgive him!!! MREEEEEOW!!!!"

"Can you turn her off?" Lu Zihao asked.

"I can’t. Only Xiulan has full admin authority."

Both Jin Liwei and Lu Zihao were also angry like Ketchup after learning that Iris was injured. They wanted to rush to where she was and see with their own eyes the extent of her injury. However, they needed to stop the raging cat AI first. The consequences of Ketchup going out of control and being exposed to others were too dangerous, especially if those with bad intentions discovered that Iris was the creator. They needed to calm the cat AI before it became too late.

"Cut it out, you damn stupid cat!" Lu Zihao roared in Russian. There was also a loud crash on his other end of the line, like he threw something out of anger.

Taking advantage of the traffic chaos, Xu Tian stepped on the gas pedal and weaved through the confused vehicles on the road. As for Jin Liwei, he was repeatedly calling the phones of everyone from Iris’ group. After a few attempts, one of his subordinates finally answered his call.

The call between Jin Liwei and Lu Zihao was still active, becoming a three-way call after the subordinate answered. Both of them could hear the frantic screaming, crying, and several sirens blaring in the background on the other end of the line.

Jin Liwei’s subordinate quickly explained that everything was extremely chaotic right now. They were still inside the mall, unable to safely exit because of the huge, panicked crowd. Fortunately, they managed to remove Iris and everyone in their group from getting crushed from the resulting stampede caused by the bomb explosion.

"How is she?" Jin Liwei asked, interrupting his subordinate’s explanation in impatience and worry. All he cared about was his baby girl’s well-being.

Lu Zihao felt the same way. He was also attempting to contact his own subordinates but none of them was answering. Perhaps they also got injured.

"The mistress is being treated by the paramedics right now, including Sir Dom, Miss Tang and some of us. Hold on, Master. Let me go inside to where they are right now and show you."

The voice call switched to a video call. Jin Liwei and Lu Zihao saw what looked like a small, crampy and messy office. Iris sat on a sofa with bandages wrapped around her neck. A small bandage was also taped on her jaw. At the moment, she was holding a towel over her chest because the upper part of her dress was cut up in order to allow the paramedic to treat her injuries. The pieces of the bloody dress lay on the floor next to her bruised bare feet which had traces of blood. Her smooth, milky-white shoulders were exposed.

If this was under any normal circumstance, Jin Liwei would have already raged at the males in the same room as her for not averting their eyes while his baby girl was basically half-naked in front of them with only a towel covering her upper body. However, he didn’t care about that right now.

His heart clenched when he saw his baby girl’s perfect shoulders marred by an ugly jagged wound about two to three inches long. It wasn’t big but not small either. A paramedic was currently cleaning the red, swollen wound.

Beside Iris, Dom was also being treated. His forehead was wrapped in bandages. His torso was also naked but didn’t bother covering himself with a towel, proudly showing off his thin yet lean muscled body to everyone. Most of his wounds were on his back, jagged and irregular in shapes and sizes. Another paramedic was treating him.

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