Chapter 14. The Unexpected Confidant

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"Is there a reason why you don't want to go home?" his question made a weird jerk in her stomach for she knew this person talking to her is apathetic. Why does it feel like he's actually showing care towards her?
He's even sharing his own story with her. Not even a single student knows the life story of Professor Snape. 

"It's my family, Sir." she coolly answered and avoided his gaze.

"All my life, I've been trying my best to be pleasant to their eyes hoping that one day they will be proud of me. Years of composing myself to be the best made me forget the things I really want. No matter how I try to reach their expectations, I always end up doing the opposite. I can't, I just can't," she put her palms on her face and Snape understood that she wiped off some salty tears from her face.

She straightened her posture and made her face stiff and impassive. She crossed her arms to her chest and she couldn't look at him again.

She felt like she had said too much and she was humiliated for her actions. What must he think of her? A person who doesn't know how to handle situations. Everyone has their story. A story filled with struggles and troubles. And here she was, acting like a little kid, whose candy accidentally fell to the ground and she was unable to eat the sweet and ran away crying.

He smirked at the girl's reaction but he managed to make his voice less frightening.

"Why on earth your parents wouldn't be proud of you? Every student desires to be like you, Miss Granger. They envy your intelligence. They see you as a great person. I can't believe that behind that fair facade, lies insecurities and grievances."

Hermione was struck by the bitter truth he had just told her. Of course, her pride was so high so she couldn't fail to hate this teacher.

How can you say that? How can you sum up my life just like that when you don't even know me?, the voice in her head blurted angrily and Snape caught every word through Legilimency.

Snape realized that he had made the girl upset. He tried to take back what he said but he didn't know how. He never comforted anyone before. Not even his old best friend. He had hurt Lily and he didn't have the chance to apologize and lessen the pain he caused.

At that very moment, a reflection hit his mind. He was very intelligent and uncustomary brilliant, but he doesn't know how to socialize. He was a socially challenged human being. And this girl he had just hurt was not different from him.

Everything about her was what everyone wanted to have; her talent, shrewdness and kindness. But then, the only people she wanted to appreciate her were the people who didn't. Her family was the world to her. And so was he. He loved her mother so dearly and he hated his father for his ill-treatment of him and his mom. He always wanted to ask his mom, why couldn't she leave his father. Why couldn't she escape the hellish life this man gives her?

He never dared to ask his mom these questions for he already knew why. It was love. The thing he despised all his life.  Loving someone means hurting someone. Even he ended up that way.

Hermione wasn't convinced he was letting her leave without being punished, for it wasn't his wicked nature.  She knew that he was just delaying, trying to crush her feelings into bits first.

"It wasn't my intention to judge you, Miss Granger. When I was young as you, I fought for the praise and attention of my teachers. Back then, I was no one. I wanted them to see my existence. Like you, the only weapon I have was my intelligence. I am not good at anything else. I wanted fame and respect. I spent my whole life trying to impress other people hoping to gain their luxurious deference. While doing that, I missed out on my life. I forgot to do the things that really mattered to me. I can never bring back the time I lost. Do what makes you happy, Miss Granger. You won't regret anything if you do that."

She stood there and froze. He was really giving out some pages of his autobiography to her. She thinks maybe he was being kind to her, for she was a student and his responsibility.

The whole atmosphere was odd to both of them when the girl finally spoke.

"Thank you, Sir. I wouldn't have discovered what I really want to do if it weren't for your encouragement," she shyly answered.

The man started to leave when he realized the girl wasn't following him. He looked back at her and arched an eyebrow.

"Are you going to come with me or are you going to wait for Christmas to come?"

"Sorry, Sir," she ran to his side just in time.

He escorted her up to the Gryffindor Quarters and glanced up at her one last time.

"Miss Granger," he called out.

The girl turned to him only to see his mocking behaviour return back to its place.

"Never repeat this night wandering ever again. If you do, you will regret it. And when I told you to do the things you like doesn't mean you have to lie low in your studies. Potions is Potions, Miss Granger. I will be most pleased to fail the brightest witch of her age if she tries to lose her concentration."

He left as quickly as possible after that, not wanting to hear her respond.

She tried her best not to smile after he said, admitted rather, that she is indeed the brightest witch of her age. It could have been a derision but she thought otherwise.

Still shocked at the events that occurred that evening, she went back to her dormitory to retire for the night.

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