"That's your bed." The older woman pointed at the stripped bed that had the bedsheets and covers on top of it. "Bathroom is through there."

"What am I supposed to do here?" I questioned as I looked around my new room. It was definitely a downgrade from the room I was in earlier.

"Sleep." The older woman said before sighing. "Just do as they say Nala and you won't get hurt."

She was right, I should do as they say and try to stay out of trouble but I didn't go looking for trouble, trouble always seems to find me.

I made my way over to the bed and grabbed the duvet covers, I wanted to put them on and get into bed however I was stopped by the woman.

"No time for that now, we have work to do." As if on cue, the other girl, Rachel, came in the room lugging my stuff and what looked like a maid's uniform.

I backed away from them. "I am not wearing that. How is that even clothes?"

"Put it on." I was too slow to catch the clothes that then landed on my face.

Taking in a deep breath, I headed towards the bathroom as I didn't want to undress in front of two strangers. Without actually paying attention to what I was doing, I slipped on the white shirt, fastening the buttons all the way to the top like we used to do when we were in school. The shirt was a little tight and snug around my chest but that was nothing compared to the skirt that hugged my hips and arse like a glove.

This is a uniform?

Gritting my teeth, I wrapped the apron around my waist and pulled my skirt down as much as I could. At least it wasn't too short and only showed a little bit of my thighs.

Speaking of my thighs, I ran my hands up my leg and winced. I needed a shave, my legs felt like a cactus. Stretching my legs out in front of me, I twisted and turned to get a better look at them and decided it would have to do for now.

I finished putting my new socks and shoes on before facing the mirror in front of me. I blinked rapidly as I saw my reflection in the mirror, shocked at what I was seeing.

My physical appearance may not have been bad, my hair was clean, my skin was well except for the developing bruise that seemed to have taken over half my face but my eyes were empty, they looked flat, dead.

Letting out a sigh I ran my fingers though my slightly tangled hair, it was clean but that didn't mean it was tidy. Wincing at the pain I was inflicting on myself, I stopped when I felt a small lump at the back of my head.

The lump felt tender and almost wet. Hesitantly I pulled my hand out of my hair and gasped when I saw my blood coated fingers.

I'm bleeding?

"Come on!"

I must have hurt my head when Alpha Alessandro tossed me around the room like a toy. I didn't have time to inspect it now so I turned the tap on quickly, scrubbed my hands and dried them with some tissue before exiting the moderately sized bathroom.

"Here." Rachel handed me a bobble. "You have to tie your hair up."

"Thanks." I muttered as I put my hair up in a messy bun, it was nothing like her hair but I didn't have a brush or sleek hair to make it look professional. I also didn't want to aggravate the bump on my head by pulling my hair back and putting pressure on it.

"Lisa said you're going to be working with me today." Rachel said as she smoothed her apron down.

Lisa! That's her name.

"What exactly will I be doing?"

"Cleaning and serving." She began to leave the room and I followed her. "Don't worry you don't have to do anything extra if you don't want to."

"Anything extra? What do you mean?" I questioned as she gave me a smirk.

"You know." She inflated her cheek and put her hand up and mimicked a s*xual act.

"What the hell!" I gasped. That was absolutely disgusting. "They force you to have s*x with them?"

What kind of place was this? How were they allowed to do this? Bile began to rise up in my throat at the thought of young women here being forced to do s*xual acts.

"I know what you're thinking but it's not r*pe." She whispered the last word as a couple of young girls walked past. We entered a very large and beautiful room that had the curtains drawn and the bed stripped of it's covers. "They want to do it and they get compensated for their...services."

Each to their own I suppose but for some reason this piece of information didn't sit well with me.

"Don't just stand there, help me." Rachel opened the curtains and motioned for me to make a start on the bed. "We normally don't do the bedding around this time but this room has been unused for a few weeks and the occupant is returning today."

"I'm not a maid." I crossed my arms across my chest.

"Your outfit says otherwise." Rachel laughed before she abruptly stopped. "Look things have changed, no one is waiting on your arse anymore, you're now doing the waiting."

When she noticed that I wasn't budging she let out a deep sigh. "I'll get in trouble if I don't have this room ready in time. I can't afford to lose this job, I owe the pack."

"Please Nala help me, you can go on this strike or whatever it is you're doing later."

"How do you know my name?" I sat down on the bed as my vision blurred slightly, though the pain had subsided there was still a dull ache in my head.

"Everyone knows your name here." Rachel came closer and leaned in. "Do you know where the Alpha's cousin is?"

"No." I got up from the bed and grabbed a pillowcase. "What else do you need to do?" I wanted to change the subject as quickly as possible. I didn't want to discuss that r*pist with anyone.

"I just need to wipe everything down and hoover the room. We need to make sure everything is perfect. Carina is a nightmare when it comes to cleanliness, I think she has OCD."

"You said she was returning today, where has she been?" I questioned as I moved on to the other pillow.

"I actually don't know, all I know is that she's coming back today." Rachel paused and lowered her voice as if she was about to tell me a secret. "She's not a maid here but apparently she does some of the stuff the other girls do."

"Stuff?" I questioned as we both finished up the bed. "Do you mean s*xual stuff?" The thought of that had me shuddering in disgust. I understood that people had to make a living one way or another but for me personally s*x was not something I could or would sell.

"Yeah but she only serves one man." Rachel looked around the room before asking, "Do you want to clean the room and I'll do the bathroom?"

"Uh yeah sure." I really did not want to clean anything but cleaning a bedroom was a lot better than cleaning a bathroom. "Who does she serve?"

Rachel stopped in her tracks and tilted her head as if she was trying to figure something out. A little smile graced her pretty face.

"Alpha Alessandro."


A/N: I hope you guys liked this chapter

Let me know what you think is going to happen next

You can read the full story on www.patreon.com/kayy_b

Thank you for reading :)

-Kayy xx

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