''George.'' I said, raising my eyebrows. George had been working for us for over 4 years, yet he still insisted on calling me Mrs Mellark, unless I told him otherwise.

''Sorry, Katniss. Mr Mel- urm Peeta's in his office so you can just go straight in.''

''Alright thankyou. Will you do me a favour and bring in some cake and milkshake for this one, a skinny latte for me and Peeta's usual please.''

''Of course.'' He said, getting to work straight away.

I let Oakley out of her pushchair and she tottered around the bakery, lapping up all the attention everyone was giving her. I folded her chair up and put it to the side as I walked behind the counter.

''Are you coming to see daddy angel?'' I asked. She squealed in excitement, earning her a lot of 'ah's' and 'awe's', as she ran over and barged through the door. I followed her in as she ran towards Peeta's desk and jumping up on his knee.

''Hello princess, what a lovely surprise.'' He said, hugging her tightly.

''Hi daddy.'' She beamed up at him. I went and sat on the edge on his desk peering over at what he was working at to see a page full of numbers.

''Tax's.'' He rolled his eyes.

''Daddy what's a tax?'' Oakley pondered.

''It's what allows you missy to have an education.''

''Daddy when do I start school?''

''Not for another year yet little one.''

''Oh okay.'' She said, smiling up at him brightly.

After a while of Oakley slurping her milkshake and swinging her legs backwards and forwards on Peeta's knee, I decided it was time to leave. ''Come on honey, let's leave daddy to work.''

''But Oak-ee want to stay here.'' She pouted.

''It's time for your nap missy, and anyway Uncle Haymitch and Aunt Effie are coming over.''

''Oo yay.'' She said, scrambling off of Peeta. ''I can show them Sunshwine.'' She grinned. ''I'll see you later daddy.'' She said giving him a kiss, and laughing as he tickled her, her blue eyes lighting up and hair flowing down her back in soft waves.

''I'll see you later Peeta.'' I said, leaning over the desk to kiss him. As I pulled away he pulled me back and tucked my hair behind my ear. ''All I can think of is how we christened this desk.'' He joked.

''Peeta!'' I scowled, playfully hitting him. ''I'll see you later.'' I said, trying to hide the smirk crawling up my mouth.

Once we'd gotten home, I put Oakley in her cot to rest, she protested about how she wanted to show Aunt Effie ''Sunshwine'', but after a story of a young girl adopting a poorly goat, her eyes fluttered shut.


''Effie, Johanna won't like that.'' I protested.

''But imagine how beautiful it'll a look, a swan ice sculpture would make the whole party!'' She gushed. For the past hour Effie and I had been planning Johanna's leaving 'do', so far it wasn't going great.

''She'll hate it.''

''But-b-. Oh okay then.'' She sighed, disappointed.

''Don't worry Effs, I'll make sure we have one for your birthday.'' Haymitch comforted her, before sneakily rolling his eyes at me.

''Oh Hayms, you're the best.'' She gushed, pecking his cheek. ''Ok, ok. So we have the venue, the lights and food, but it's just decorations left.''

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