The Fire Burns Within You

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''Hello my angel did you have a nice sleep?'' I asked Oakley as I bent over to lift her up and out of her crib.

''Y-yes. Oak-ey have breakfast.'' She pouted. And so I took her into the kitchen, where Rye was packing his school bag and Peeta buttering some toast. I put Oakley in her high chair and placed a bowl of strawberry yoghurt in front of her, which she happily slapped about all over her face.

''You nearly ready mr?'' I asked Rye.

''Yep, just about. Where's Willow?'' He asked.

''Why don't you go see what she's doing? Don't forget to knock before you go in though!'' I reminded him.

''Yeah, yeah.'' He said as he padded up the stairs. I stood up from feeding Oakley and went over to Peeta, who was just tying his laces.

''Don't forget to double knot them.''

''I won't forget that again anytime soon'', he said laughing slightly. ''I have a meeting this morning, but it's only a couple of hours and then I can come home- do you want to go see Haymitch? I think he's in town again.''

''That'd be lovely.''

''Okay. I'll see you in a bit then.'' He took me into a deep hug and gently kissed my forehead. ''Always.''

''Always.'' Before he left he went to say bye to Willow and Rye, gave Oakley a peck and then left.

''What's taking you both so long- you'll be late!'' I shouted up the stairs.

''I'm not going'', I heard her shout back.

''Why not?''

''I'm ill.'' I had no energy or time to fight back, so I drove Rye to school instead of taking the usual route, said goodbye and left. When I got home I put Oakley down for her morning nap and went upstairs with jam on toast and a hot chocolate- an old favourite.

''Knock Knock'', I said, opening the door whilst trying to balance the tray at the same time.

''What?'' Willow mumbled.

''Sweetie, what's up?'' I asked walking into her room and sitting beside her on her bed.

''If someone threatened someone you loved what would you do?'' She spat out after a while of silence. I sat there thinking for a while before answering. Thinking about Snow and how he'd threatened Gale, Peeta- my family.

''It depends, what's this about Wills?'' I asked her.


''Finn's girlfriend?'' She winced slightly at me saying 'girlfriend'. ''I thought you two got along?''

''She said if I didn't leave Rye alone she'd, she'd get her brother to hurt him.''

''But what's he going to do if he's all the w-'' She cut me off.

''He works at the bakery. Michael or something.''

''Oh Willow, what did you say?''

''Nothing, I didn't stand up for myself, it didn't feel right. I mean you're always saying how important it is not to hurt innocent people.''

''Darling.'' I sighed. ''You're not just your dad. I mean you have his heart, but I live in you and I know my fire burns within you too.''

''I don't get what you mean. How can I hurt her without-''

''You have rage, and passion and fire locked up inside. If the time is right, you can use it. Because in here,'' I placed my hand on her heart, ''you're an Everdeen. Whether that means you take after your Aunt Prim, or me- you are one and you're allowed to stand up for yourself.''

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