Peter Pan

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''It-it's Haymitch. He's been rushed to hospital.'' I stuttered out. I suddenly stood up, my whole body shaking through fear, as I looked for the nearest exit.

''Katniss, come on sit down.'' Peeta said, trying to guide me back to the stool.

''No.'' I protested. ''No, no!'' I shouted, as the tears sprung from my face. ''We need to get to him.''

''I know, and we will. Just calm down and breathe a minute okay?'' He said, holding my hands in front of him. ''Stay here with Wills, Rye and Annie, while I figure out the quickest way to get home alright?'' He comforted, kissing my knuckles.

''Alright.'' I whispered.

''Muuum? What's up with Uncle Haymitch?'' Rye asked slowly.

''He-he's had to go into hospital kidda.'' I explained wearily.

''He's going to die isn't he.'' Rye accepted.

''Don't say that.'' Willow frowned at her brother. ''He'll be fine. Won't he mum?'' I continued to stare at a blank space, as the tears silently fell down my face. When I didn't reply, Willow asked again. ''Mum? He'll be alright won't he?'' She asked as if her life depended on it.

''Leave your mother Wills.'' Annie whispered, placing a hand on my shoulder. ''It's a lot to take in.''

''I just want to know what's happening to my god damn uncle!'' She screamed, slamming her hand on the table.

''Willow, we know th-'' Annie started to say before I cut her off.

''I'm sorry Wills. The truth is, I just don't know what's going to happen and I'm so, so sorry.'' I wept quietly.

''He'll be alright, I know he will.'' She said, trying to keep morale up.

''I hope so.'' I whispered, as Peeta came down with all our luggage.


We had to take an aircraft to the Captiol, as it was the quickest way. It wasn't one of the modernised, luxurious models, with glass floors and a plush bedroom suite, but an old, tired and worn one- it was the only one available at such short notice.

It took us just under two hours to get there, Willow spent most of the journey sat in a corner, twiddling with her bracelet and saying how she didn't even get to say goodbye to Finn- or even tell him what had happened. We were dropped off into a vast airfield, and then quickly driven to a nearby hotel. We didn't have time to admire the marble floors, or plush beds covered in mountains of pillows, as the aim was simple- drop everything off and make sure Haymitch was alright.

Once we had gotten to the hospital we were taken down a maze of corridors, the smell of disinfectant seeping through your nostrils, as you walked through the sterile environment. We found ourselves outside Haymitch's room, where a very tired looking, make-up free Effie was waiting, anxiously biting the skin around her finger nails.

''Oh Effie.'' I whispered, once I saw her there, sat on the hard plastic chairs, which were coated a luminous orange in attempt to 'lighten' the place up a bit. As soon as she heard my voice, her head snapped up to face me, and her bottom lip started to quiver. I rushed over and took her into a hug, letting all my emotions run free. ''We're here now, we're here.'' I soothed. ''You're not alone.'' I sobbed.

After an emotional reunion, we all sat down, patiently waiting for any news. ''What's keeping them so long?'' Peeta asked, slowly growing impatient as he paced up and down the blindingly shiny floor.

''They said they're still doing tests on him.'' Effie said, sniffling. ''But I-I just don't know how many more he can go through. It's too much.'' She cried.

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