Mixed feelings chapter 78: Oblivious

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"I'll be fine.." mumbles Lo as she opens the door. "Besides, I drove myself here. And, not to mention, it's only a 20 minute drive to the house anyways." she adds as she rolls her eyes.
"Alright.." says Colt as he leans against the door. "Just call me when you get home." he adds.
"I will." says Lo as she walks off. "See you tomorrow, Colt." she adds.
(Colt's thoughts;) "It's.. too late to ask her to stay now.."
*In the car..*
(Lo's thoughts;) "I'm certain that he seemed to be communicating with someone upstairs.. and the fact that he was trying to hide it makes it all the more suspicious.. especially since he showed up to the door with no shirt on, it's not the first time he's done something like that but.. giving it another thought, he could've also just been on the phone- wait.. why am I even trying so hard to find out what was going on..? sure, it makes me feel.. upset.. to think about him potentially 'cheating'.. but, I could also just be overthinking it.. this all is so confusing..! ..I'm not even sure about my feelings for him so do I even have the right to feel this way..? ..and, Kameron-"
"Ugh.. I've got to get my mind out of the gutter." mumbles Lo as she drives off.
*Meanwhile, Colt's house.*
"Hey.. you still here?" questions Colt as he walks up the stairs.
"Listen.. I'm sorry, but you've gotta go.. I noticed that you came here by foot, and it's getting pretty dark-" says Colt before opening his bedroom door. "Where.." he adds as he averts his eyes to the bedroom window.
(Colt's thoughts;) "I- ..there's no way she could've.."
*Colt sprints to the window and looks down.*
"I'm right here." says Kailey as she sits on the bed followed by a long pause. "..You look like you've seen a ghost, what's going on?" she adds.
"I THOUGHT YOU.." spouts Colt as he averts his eyes to Kailey. "Never.. nevermind.. why are you still here?" he adds.
"You thought I what?" questions Kailey as she folds her arms.
"And why.. did you come from out of my closet?" questions Colt as he raises an eyebrow. "..Are you-" he adds.
"DON'T EVEN." spouts Kailey firmly followed by a long pause.
"I actually.." mumbles Colt as he rubs the back of his neck. "I thought you had.." he adds.
"C'mon what is it that you want to say?" questions Kailey irritably. "And, no. I'm not gay. Nope, not this girl." she adds.
"That's not what I was referring to.." says Colt awkwardly as he points at the window.
"I never told you to-" says Colt.
"Don't even lie, you suggested that I'd jump from out of the window." says Kailey firmly.
"I just said that I would do it if I were you." says Colt irritably. "But, you chose to sit tight. Which.. you technically didn't do." he adds.
"Kiss my ass." says Kailey firmly.
"All jokes aside.." mumbles Colt. "I really was.. worried." he adds.
"Well.. I guess it's about time for me to go home." says Kailey as she gets up.
"Do you need a ride..?" questions Colt politely.
"Are you going to give me options or-" says Kailey as she tilts her head to the left.
"Nah, It's a suggestion." says Colt almost immediately.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "He's so oblivious.. it's actually kind of cute."
"I- I see.." mumbles Kailey.
"You're stuttering. I wonder why." says Colt with a smirk on his face.
"Shut up." says Kailey almost immediately.
*The next day, in class.*
"As you all might know, prom is in 3 weeks, so-" says the teacher.
"I will be going for prom queen and-" says Shaniah confidently.
"I'll be going for prom king." says Jay almost immediately.
"..No, you won't." says Shaniah firmly.
"You better win." whispers Shaniah.
"Are you worried that I won't?" questions Jay with a smirk on his face.
"W- Who's worried..?" questions Shaniah as she averts her eyes.
"You'll be dissapointed if I lose, right?" questions Jay.
"Ugh.. where did you get that from.." says Shaniah as she rolls her eyes.
"From me." says Devon almost immediately.
(Jay's thoughts;) "Nice save, Devon. I owe you one."
"..And, who the hell are you to get involved in another one's conversation?" questions Shaniah irritably.
(Devon's thoughts;) "He owes me one."
"Shaniah, pay attention." says Devon playfully.
"And, this is exactly why I can't stand siblings." says Shaniah firmly.
"Not surprising as to why Kam kept ghosting you." says Gunner boldly.
"Your younger brother has always been the more mature one, isn't that right?" says Shaniah as she averts her eyes to Gunner.
"You're ran through." says Gunner with a smirk creeping on his face.
"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?" spouts Shaniah angrily.
"SHANIAH- ..god.. report to the principal's office, now." says the teacher firmly as he folds his arms.
"I- ..I didn't even do anything, it was Gunner-" says Shaniah.
"Oh, I know.." says the teacher unbothered.
"So, why are you only sending me-" says Shaniah as she raises an eyebrow.
"You're asking for detention as well?" questions the teacher firmly.
"Who's the immature one now?" questions Gunner.
"Fuck you." says Shaniah before walking off.
*Bell rings.*
(Teacher's thoughts;) "And.. of course, everybody's gone before I'm even done talking.."
"Guess what.." says Colt as he walks up to Lo's table.
"What..~" says Lo as she puts her phone away.
"I'll be taking you to prom in 3 weeks." says Colt as he sits next to Lo.
"Yea.. can't wait." says Lo.
"Did you finish the album already?" questions Jay.
"And it hasn't even been a week." says Kameron as he leans back on his chair.
"We were living our best lifes while Kameron and Gunner were spending most of their free time working their asses off in the studio." says Devon.
"How about we pick up some food then head on over there." says Gunner.
"I'm driving." says Ty.
"..And.. what are you going to wear?" questions Lo as she averts her eyes.
"Nothing too casual." says Colt.
"Oh.." mumbles Lo. "Same here." she adds.
(Colt's thoughts;) "Look at me when you're talking to me.. he's talking to his friends about the studio.. what's so damn interesting about that?"
*Lo's flashback. (chapter 76)*
"You do realize that he likes you a lot right?" questions Gunner irritably.
*End of flashback.*
"Hey.. you alright?" questions Colt.
"Yea.. just hungry I guess.." says Lo as she looks down.
"I see.. let's go get you some food then." says Colt as he gets up.
(Lo's thoughts;) "Gunner was serious when he said that.. right?"

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