Mixed feelings chapter 33: The dinner date

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(Lo's thoughts;) "Where is he.. he's the one that wanted to go on this so called 'date'. Honestly.. God tell me why I'm even here.
"What's up!" spouts Colt.
"You're late and you're the one that asked ME out." says Lo irritably.
"Alright, alright.. My bad, I had to take care of a few things." says Colt.
"That's all? 'my bad' isn't going to cut it, I've been waiting for over 20 minutes- nevermind.. besides the point. If you had 'things' to do, why not just give me a call to let me know you were busy..? yet even if you were, it's still selfish." says Lo as she crosses her arms.
(Colt's thoughts;) "..what? ..she's calling me selfish and I'm letting her get away with it?"
"As I was saying, you don't even know me. No offense, but you should start paying attention to that type of stuff." says Lo.
"I just didn't wanna cancel the date. On the other hand, I can take care of those other things another time." says Colt as he opens the passenger seat's car door.
"Huh.. then why would you let me wait?" questions Lo irritably.
(Colt's thoughts;) "She's got an attitude instead of saying 'thank you'? ..yea, she's not about to go easy on me. I must say, I'm kind of intrigued. Eventhough, I'm the one that's trying to impress her."
"You don't know how to say 'thank you'?" says Colt as he knocks on the car door.
"Thanks for what?" questions Lo in confusion.
"Don't worry about it. Hop in. I can tell that you're hungry." says Colt.
"I'm only coming along with you because you're right. I haven't eaten yet." says Lo as she takes a seat in the passenger seat.
(Lo's thoughts;) "I'm kind of craving pizza right now. I've already spoke enough though. If I tell him that I want pizza, I'll be overdoing it."
*At papa John's..*
"Hope you don't mind having a dinner date at-" says Colt.
"No. Let's go in." says Lo as she makes her way in.
*5 minutes later..*
"I'll ask you some questions, if you don't wanna answer them, I understand." says Colt.
"Ask away. I truely don't mind." says Lo as she tries to avoid eye-contact.
(Lo's thoughts;) "Ugh.. this is way too awkward. I'm gonna have to stop being boring for now.. eventhough this 'date' wasn't even my intention."
"Ok.. so, well.. uh.. Kam and I have known each for quite a while now." admits Lo.
*Colt abruptly starts to cough*
"Hold up.. so that means that you're that 'bridge girl' that Jay kept going on about?" questions Colt in disbelief.
(Colt's thoughts;) "This entire time I was convinced that they were referring to something straight from out of a horror movie or something."
"Yes.." admits Lo with a defeated look on her face.
"Jay kept spreading that stuff around, same thing with Kam." says Colt as he takes a sip of his drink.
"HE TALKS ABOUT IT?" spouts Lo.
"Yea, he used to.." says Colt as he raises an eyebrow.
(Lo's thoughts;) "That.. REALLY caught me off guard."
"But, I realized.. Kam doesn't care about girls like that. Although, it became pretty obvious that he really cared about you, y'know." says Colt.
(Lo's thoughts;) "cared..?"
"Wait.. how do you know so much about it?" questions Lo.
"Alright, so now that you know that, I'll tell you something about myself.." says Colt as he scoots closer to the table.
(Lo's thoughts;) "He just ignored me, didn't he.."
"I've been wanting to get this off of my chest for a bit.. so, uhh.. when I was 13 years old.." says Colt before inhaling his blunt.
(Lo's thoughts;) "They're definitely going to kick us out if they catch him smoking-"
"I knew this girl called Kimberly.. my first love." says Colt before exhaling the smoke.
(Colt's thoughts;) "Can I even call it a first love..?"
"Keep going.." says Lo curiously.
"I was head over heels, you could say.. the feelings weren't mutual, though." admits Colt before inhaling his blunt again. "And when I turned 16.. I-" says Colt as he gets cut off.
"Then what?" asks Lo curiously as she takes a few sips out of her glass with water.
"I got her pregnant." admits Colt as he exhales the smoke.
"WHAT-" spouts Lo in disbelief as she starts to cough.
"..drink some water." says Colt as he lights his blunt again.
"Fuck the water, that's what messed me up in the first place.." says Lo as she tries to clear her throat. "More importantly.. you have a kid now?"
"..She had an abortion while I was in Juvie." admits Colt.
*Lo lets out a soft gasp..*
"I'm so sorry.. I'm speechless.." mumbles Lo.
(Colt's thoughts;) "I'm fucking weak for looking away. Kameron was right.. nothing changed."
"I was only 16.. and, I was already at my lowest point.. I had already convinced myself that with the baby, I would find my happiness, since.. I never really knew what love meant. I was excited to think that I would find out, but.. apparently she still liked gu-" says Colt as he gets cut off.
"I really respect the fact that you're telling me all of this, and I respect you of course.. but, you don't have to force yourself to continue-" says Lo as she gets cut off.
"When I found out, I was heartbroken.." mumbles Colt as he exhales the smoke. "I told myself that I'd never let a female betray or hurt me like that again.. I started dodging relationships, and catching feelings for someone was out of the question too." adds Colt.
(Lo's thoughts;) "This night took the biggest turn for the worst.."
"Colt.." mumbles Lo with a concerned tone.
"What is it?" asks Colt.
"Are you okay?" asks Lo.
"Yea.." mumbles Colt followed by a long digh.
(Lo's thoughts;) "This silence is SUFFOCATING ME."
"And what I told you today aren't even half of the things I've went through." admits Colt as he steps on top of the blunt. "C'mon, I'll take you home." adds Colt as he stuffs his hands into his pockets.
"A- alright.." says Lo awkwardly.
*At Lo and Kailey's house..*
"I'll see you tomorrow, goodnight and sleep well." says Colt.
"Uhm... can I say something?" asks Lo anxiously.
"Hmm?" mumbles Colt as he holds his blunt outside of the car window.
"..eventhough that girl broke your heart, doesn't mean that you should give up on finding your happiness. I'm certain that you'll find somebody that you can love and trust again.." says Lo as she looks at her lap.
"You'll just need to release and start over, and if you think you can't.. I'll be right there to **literally** slap you back to reality. I'm here for you, so let's get to know each other.." says Lo as she looks back up with a big smile. "I mean it. Let's start over. I'm Lo, nice to meet you." says Lo playfully as she looks up at Colt.
*Colt quietly stares as his blunt drops onto the floor..*
"You're an odd one.." says Colt as his face starts to glow red.
"Oh.. I also wanted to let you know that I have a brother.. who's now a father. I have a mom and a dad that barely ever bother to come home. I quite literally haven't seen them in ages.. and I pretty much only really have Kailey by my side, that's how we grew so close.." admits Lo as she looks back down.
"..sounds as if you're going through some rough times as well, huh.." mumbles Colt as he lights up another blunt.
"I guess.. so, who do you spend your time with?" asks Lo curiously.
"I can't answer that." says Colt almost immediately.
"Why not..? it could be anyone-" says Lo as she gets cut off.
"I don't have anyone." admits Colt as he inhales the smoke.
"What do they say.. oh, right.. 'it is what it is'." says Colt.
"But.." mumbles Lo as she looks up at Colt.
"Like I was saying.." mumbles Colt.
"You have me." says Lo as she points at herself.
*Colt slowly exhales the smoke..*
"Right..?" mumbles Lo awkwardly.
"..I think I'm starting to realize why Kam likes you so much." says Colt with a grin on his face.
"You wanna do this again sometime?" questions Colt.
"I can't-" says Lo as she gets cut off.
"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow, Lo." says Colt before driving off.
(Lo's thoughts;) "Ugh.. wait- ..DID HE JUST CALL ME BY MY NAME?!"

Mixed FeelingsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora