Mixed feelings chapter 42: All bark no bite

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"OH.. I SEE WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT NOW.." spouts Colt as he takes a glance at Lo. "She's mine now.. stay mad." he adds.
"KEEP CHATTING, YOU CAN'T EVEN LAND A DECENT PUNCH." spouts Kameron as he throws another jab at Colt.
"I know that I'm getting to you.. keep on punching me.. just know that.. in the end you'll end up making her lose all interest in you." says Colt with a smug grin on his face.
"JAY, RECORD THIS SHIT." spouts Devon as he hands his phone over to Jay.
"This is madness.." mumbles Ty. "5 dollars on Kam's win." he adds.
"LESS TALKING, AND TRY TO LAND A JAB THIS TIME." spouts Kameron as he tries to land another jab.
"..DON'T GET TOO COCKY NOW." spouts Colt.
"STOP IT!" spouts Lo as she gets in between them. "THAT'S ENOUGH.." she adds.
"Lo.." mumbles Kameron as he gets caught off guard.
*Colt quickly throws a punch at Kameron.*
"..You see.. what I'm talking about.. this fool is out of control.." says Colt as he gets up from the ground.
"You still got some talk left?" questions Kameron as he walks towards Colt.
*Gunner punches Colt and Kameron in the stomach*
"That's because I didn't get an early invitation about this.." says Gunner. "I said I was going to take a fucking 20 minute test and then suddenly I got to hear from someone that you're out here fighting each other?" he adds.
"Whatever man.." mumbles Kameron before limping back inside of the school building.
"Hold up, Kam!" spouts Gunner before taking a look back at Colt.
"I GOT IT RECORDED." spouts Jay. "LET'S GO CHECK ON KAM." he adds.
"SORRY COLT, BUT KAM GOT YOU GOOD.." spouts Kailey. "TY, WAIT FOR ME!" she adds before running after Ty and the others.
"..are you okay..?" questions Lo as she walks up to Colt.
"..Never been better." says Colt sarcastically.
"Do you want me to drive you home?" questions Lo.
"I'm alright.." says Colt as he wipes the blood from his nose with the use of two fingers. "I just need a blunt and I'll be perfectly fine." he adds.
"Kam's obviously the stronger one.." admits Colt.
"..Let's just go to the nurse's office." says Lo as she assists Colt up.
(Lo's thoughts;) "Colt seems to be the definition of the phrase 'all bark no bite'.. but, Kam really isn't.. and he showed that today. I'm just glad that they didn't end up seriously hurt."
"We're gonna go to the studio when he's back." says Gunner with his eyes glued onto his phone screen.
"..or the hospital." says Ty as he lets out some laughter.
"Too soon." says Kailey.
"Sure, Kam got beat up too.. but he did most of the work." spouts Jay.
"You just made it sound really wrong.." says Devon with a disgusted expression on his face.
"Blame your own mind for that, you weirdo." says Jay as he shoves Devon aside from his locker. "Get out of the way." he adds.
(Lo's text message to Kailey;) "Can you come to the nurse's office.. I need your help, uhm.. the nurse just told me that Colt might've also strained his leg and arm by the fall and impact."
"..wish I could come along to the studio.." mumbles Kailey as she reads the text on her phone.
"You can't?" questions Ty.
"Lo just texted me and she needs help with Colt's injuries.. I'll see you guys tomorrow." says Kailey before walking off.
"..I'm gonna check on Kam.." says Gunner. "It's taking too long." he adds.
"..and you said that I don't have any patience?" questions Devon.
"Repeat that." says Gunner firmly.
"I said we'll wait right here.." spouts Devon.
"Pfft.. liar." mumbles Jay.
"..I swear he almost pissed his pants when Gunner turned around!" spouts Ty as he lets out some laughter.
"Really man..? ..I don't even know whether I can still call you my friend at this point, Ty.." mumbles Devon almost immediately.
*In the gym's locker room..*
"What the fuck was all of that about?" questions Gunner.
"I'm not in the mood to talk." says Kameron firmly.
"I never thought that it would escalate this badly." says Gunner as he takes a seat next to Kameron on the wooden bench.
"Me neither." says Kameron with an unfazed expression.
"He said something after you both walked out of the classroom, didn't he?" questions Gunner. "..hmm.. no, that's not it." he adds.
"Even Lo had to tell you to stop." says Gunner before letting out a long sigh. "You could've killed him otherwise." he adds as he lets out some laughter.
"Sad to say that isn't an option.." mumbles Kameron as he pushes a wet cloth against his eye.
"Jealousy's a bitch.." says Gunner. "..Look, I don't know who started the fight but.. I know my brother. And, I also know that he'd never start a fight with no ulterior motive.. and, you'd never start a fight for no reason either, even if it's Colt." he adds.
(Kameron's thoughts;) "..I have no right to be mad.. I clearly wasn't thinking."
*Kameron's flashback..*
"OH.. I SEE WHAT YOU'RE TALKING ABOUT NOW.." spouts Colt as he takes a glance at Lo. "She's mine now.. stay mad." he adds.
"KEEP CHATTING, YOU CAN'T EVEN LAND A DECENT PUNCH." spouts Kameron as he throws another jab at Colt.
"I know that I'm getting to you.. keep on punching me.. just know that.. in the end you'll end up making her lose all interest in you." says Colt with a smug grin on his face.
*End of flashback..*
"I won't ask again.." mumbles Gunner as he lets out a sigh. "What happened?" he adds.
"..He kissed Lo, and I know for sure that he did it because he saw me." says Kameron.
"..Kiss? ..where?" questions Gunner.
"The cheek." says Kameron as he throws the cloth into the wardrobe.
"..Eventhough it's just the cheek.. I still get where you're coming from." says Gunner as he rubs the back of his neck.
"Alright.. the adrenaline is gone. Let's go." says Kameron.
(Gunner's thoughts;) "That can't be the only reason.. there's no doubt.. Colt definitely said something to make Kameron act the way he did.."
*In the studio..*
"You've got your first show in about a week or so.. and, fighting wasn't the brightest idea." says Gunner.
"You're still upset because you didn't get that invite." says Kameron jokingly.
"That too-" says Gunner as he gets cut off.
"HELL YEA, WE'RE GOING TO BE FAMOUS!" spouts Jay in excitement.
"Let me correct you there.. Kam's going to be famous." says Ty.
"Jay, you do realize that I'm allowed to punch you for saying stupid stuff like that, right.." says Devon with a smirk on his face."
"..who said that you're his friend?" questions Devon.
"C'MON REALLY? ..I'VE KNOWN HIM FOR THE LONGEST.. I INTRODUCED HIM TO ALL OF YOU!" spouts Jay. "I- I'VE EVEN KNOWN HIM BEFORE LO-" he adds before cutting himself off.
"Stupidity at its finest." says Ty.
"Take this outside." says Gunner.
"You're such an idiot man.." says Devon.
"I DIDN'T KNOW.. I FORGOT, OKAY! ..DAMN." spouts Jay nervously.
"I'm getting a headache." says Kameron before walking out of the studio space.
"..Anyways, since the show's in a week, we've got to make sure that everything goes smoothly." says Gunner.
"..I've got a headache, and I'm exhausted." says Kameron. "So I'm gonna head on home." he adds.
"..what?" says Gunner. "I thought that we we're going to plan everything before the show right now? ..it's your first show and-" adds Gunner as he gets cut off.
"I know.. I just need some rest man.." mumbles Kameron as he limps out of the studio.
"Take it easy, Kam!" spouts Jay as he closes the door.
"..Is he depressed again?" questions Jay.
"Don't joke about that.." says Devon as he elbows Jay in his stomach.
"C'MON MAN.. YOU'RE ACTING LIKE IT'S MY FAULT.." spouts Jay as he rubs his stomach.
"It is your fault." says Devon.
"To answer your question, Jay.." says Gunner followed by some silence. "..Who knows." he adds.
"I don't get how things could have gotten this out of hand.." says Ty.
(Gunner's thoughts;) "Lo happened."
"I'm lost too.. if he's actually depressed, it might take toll on the show.." says Devon.
"We'll just wait it out for now.. I'll try to talk to him about it tomorrow." says Gunner as he rolls up his blunt.
"Wanna go play basketball now?" questions Jay.
"Nope, I'm out." says Ty before walking out of the studio.
"You, Gunner?" questions Devon.
"..Nah, I'll pass. I think I'm going to head on home too." says Gunner as he scoots his chair.
"Is it because Kam's not here?" questions Jay.
"..what about it, Jay?" questions Gunner with an unbothered expression on his face.
"He's upset because he thinks that Kam's hiding something from him-" says Devon as he gets cut off.
*Gunner punches Devon in the gut*
"I SWEAR.. YOUR PUNCHES COULD HURT A WHALE, MAN.." spouts Devon in agony.

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