Mixed feelings? chapter 16: The real story

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*At Kailey's house*
"It started off with me paying a visit to the toilet.. Kameron followed me, then started talking to me.. and since I'm so polite, I decided to respond back to him.. then he proceeded to do this weird thing to me, like place me in some kind of handlock.. then he would.. t- then he'd grope me.." explains Lo slowly.
"Lo. Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" asks Kailey sternly.
"..Because I'm not a snitch.." says Lo.
"You can't be serious right now.. that isn't the real reason right?" says Kailey.
Lo stays quiet.
"So.. did he do it often?" asks Kailey.
"N- no.." says Lo.
Kailey sighs.
"Tell me the truth.. please..? I'll repeat my question. Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?" asks Kailey sternly.
"Y- you were in love with him." admits Lo.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "I see the tears in you're eyes, stupid."
"K- Kailey..?" says Lo.
"Lo, question. Are you stupid or are you stupid? think about it and I want you to answer honestly." says Kailey.
Lo stares in utter confusion.
"Neither..?" says Lo.
"I was already suspicious about it, since he'd leave to the toilet every time you had to go as well." admits Kailey.
"I'm sorry for keeping it a secret until now.." says Lo hesitantly.
"It's ok weirdo, just don't keep any secrets from me anymore." says Kailey sternly.
"..Ok, well.." says Lo awkwardly.
"You weren't being completely honest about the 'I'm not a snitch' excuse huh..?" asks Kailey unbothered.
"Hmm.. why do you think that?" asks Lo.
"Nah.. forget it, I was just assuming." says Kailey
Lo stays quiet.
(Lo's thoughts;) "I should probably avoid telling her about what happened between me and the teacher earlier today.."
"Lo, I know what it's like to be in love.. I would also keep it a secret from others.. I don't blame you at all-" says Kailey before she gets cut off.
"I never said I loved him." says Lo hesitantly.
"Here we go.." mumbles Kailey slightly annoyed.
"I don't know about my feelings for him.. we've had so many back and forth moments, my heart is just.. confused." admits Lo.
"That's definitely a lie.. you just need to get used to the word love." says Kailey.
"I'm still young." says Lo almost immediately.
Kailey stays quiet.
"We are still young, Kailey." says Lo.
"I know.. but.. someday you're also going to have s*x then get kids-" says Kailey before she gets cut off.
"I don't want to hear it." says Lo almost immediately.
"Whatever.." says Kailey.
Lo stays quiet.
"So.. you're trying to hide the truth, because you don't want him to get expelled, right?" asks Kailey.
Lo nods.
"Because you love him." says Kailey sternly.
Lo remains quiet.
"I mean.. what if he- tried to rape you." says Kailey.
"That's disgusting, and at his age..? impossible. He didn't, and he simply wouldn't." says Lo defensively.
"I'm saying what IF he did." spouts Kailey.
"No." says Lo sternly.
"You still wouldn't..?" questions Kailey.
Lo shakes her head (no).
"Why won't you just admit it, you're so stubborn, for what?" questions Kailey annoyed.
"Admit what..?" questions Lo unbothered.
"I said it and I'll say it again, the fact that you're in love with Kameron. You know you like him, so what's wrong with the term love?" asks Kailey curiously.
"Nothing. Nor did I ever deny that I didn't." says Lo sternly.
"You won't even say the word.. damn.. hmm.. there are multiple reasons for you to suddenly start liking this guy so much.. just in case you didn't understand how." says Kailey.
Lo stays quiet.
"I mean.. I myself fell in love with him even. He's a great guy. There's something about him.. that really stands out.. and I'm pretty sure you're already aware of what i'm trying to say." adds Kailey.
(Lo's thoughts;) "I feel.. slightly ticked off.. by Kailey's words.. I hope i'm not starting to get possessive over.. him."
"..Don't you agree?" says Kailey while bumping her elbow into Lo's side.
"Yea, yea.. whatever.. I- I agree with you.. though." spouts Lo awkwardly.
"I'm rooting for you." says Kailey sternly.
"Thank you, Kailey." says Lo.
"Love you." says Kailey.
"Love you too, of course." says Lo before showing a big smile.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "..But she says it to me so easily.. hmm?"
"So.. will he show up to school tomorrow?" questions Kailey curiously.
"Do I look like a psychic to you?" asks Lo sarcastically.
(Lo's thoughts;) "..Do I really don't know.. or did I come to the realization that he might actually not be able to show up tomorrow.."
"Ugh.. in other words, did he get expelled..?" asks Kailey nervously.
"N- No.." says Lo hesitantly before inhaling and exhaling.
"Thank god.." says Kailey in relieve.
"But.. what if.." says Lo as she seems to be in deep thought.
Kailey stays quiet.
"What if he gets expelled.. d- do you think i'd be able to see him again..?" asks Lo nervously.
"You know.." says Kailey as she thinks about her next words to say.
Lo stays quiet.
"..My mom once said, if you truly believe in love then everything's possible." says Kailey.
Lo remains silent.
"My mom was a strong believer." adds Kailey.
"Kailey.." says Lo.
"It's fine. I'm fine." says Kailey before showing a smile.
"Kailey.. I never even thought about.. confessing to him." admits Lo.
"..And i'm not forcing you to do so either." says Kailey almost immediately.
"No.. I want to. I'm just waiting for the perfect moment." admits Lo.
"W- why..?" questions Kailey as the tears start to sting in her eyes.
"..Because I want to become a strong believer as well.. and, I think i'm starting to believe a little more in true love as well." admits Lo.
Kailey starts to cry.
"I'll never let you down, I'll support you.. always." says Kailey while sniffling.
"I know you won't, Kailey. I'll always be there for you when you need me, I promise.." says Lo before hugging Kailey.
"I miss her so much.." admits Kailey.
"We all do.. it's ok.. she knows she's loved.. and so are you, that's all that matters." says Lo as she lightly pats Kailey's back.
*The next day*
"Goodmorning.." says Kailey while rubbing her eyes.
"Goodmorning, how'd you sleep.." asks Lo as she puts her silky hair into a high bun.
"Good enough, no complaints." says Kailey.
"Oh.. good for you." says Lo unbothered.
"..Well, how about you..?" asks Kailey.
Lo yawns.
"WELL?" asks Kailey loudly.
"Well, what..?" questions Lo as she takes a seat on Kailey's bed.
"I ASKED YOU A QUESTION." shouts Kailey angrily.
"Oh..? I slept." says Lo hesitantly while putting on her socks.
"..You didn't sleep.. at all.. did you?" asks Kailey as she gets out of her bed.
"No.. not that much." admits Lo awkwardly.
Kailey stays quiet.
"Jeez.. who knew mixed feelings could confuse you this much." mumbles Lo as she looks down.
"I'm trying to put myself in you're situation, but I really can't.." admits Kailey.
(Kailey's thoughts;) "Isn't Kam's stay at the school being decided today.. omg.. I think It'd be better if I don't bring that up right now.."
"..you didn't let me down Kailey, if that's what you're thinking.. you're a good friend. I'm just confused about everything and-" says Lo as she cuts herself off.
"..I really wish I wasn't." adds Lo.
*At school*
"I want Lo Iver and Kameron Young to report at my office. I repeat, I want Lo Iver and Kameron Young to report at my office." says the principal via the school's microphone.
"Ooo.." says the entire class.
"SHUT UP." shouts Kailey.
"Please try to keep it down Kailey, and everyone else quiet down as well." spouts the new assigned classroom teacher.
Lo inhales and exhales.
(Lo's thoughts;) "So this is why I couldn't sleep today.. huh? ..I just didn't want to think about it."
"I'm such a coward." mumbles Lo to herself.
"No, you're not.. you're strong." replies Kailey before pulling Lo out of her chair.
Lo stays quiet.
"It's going to be alright." says Kameron before showing a bright smile.
(Lo's thoughts;) "Jeez.. like I've said before, only he can make my heart pound like this in such a serious situation.. just when I started to calm down as well.."
"Trust me, I've got this." says Kameron before showing a playful grin.

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