Mixed feelings? chapter 14: Guilt trip

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(Lo's thoughts;) "How interesting.. he seems deep in thought."
(Kameron's thoughts;) "I feel guilty.. but about what?"
"70." says Kameron.
"Hmm..?" says Lo in a slight bit of a daze.
"Do you understand question 70?" repeats Kameron.
"..What? no.. i'm sorry, I'll pay attention now." says Lo awkwardly.
"Are you ok?" asks Kameron.
"Yea, I just got a bit distracted.." says Lo awkwardly.
"By?" asks Kameron.
"..The- the kiss-" says Lo before she gets cut off by the sudden ringtone of Kameron's phone.
Kameron checks his phone silently.
"It's my mom, I gotta go.. I'll see you tomorrow?" says Kameron almost immediately in a hurry.
"Yea, sure! see you tomorrow." says Lo awkwardly.
Kameron and Lo walk to the exit.
"..But what did you want to tell me?" questions Kameron.
"..Uhm, I'll tell you next time." spouts Lo.
"..Are you sure you're fine?" asks Kameron.
"Yes, I'm fine.. this is the second time you asked.." says Lo awkwardly.
(Lo's thoughts;) "At least he's concerned about my wellbeing.."
"I'll be at school tomorrow, no worries." adds Lo with a smile.
"Alright, and if you wanted to talk about the kiss-" says Kameron before he gets cut off.
"I'll see you tomorrow." says Lo immediately before shutting the door right after.
Kameron stays quiet.
(Lo's thoughts;) "I can't believe I just shut the door in front of his face like that.. ugh."
Lo glances at Kam walking by.
"How are you feeling, Lo?" asks Kailey.
"You look tired." adds Kailey.
"..Yea, I didn't sleep that much.." says Lo awkwardly.
"..Be sure to get more sleep next time, I don't have to be the one to tell you this." says Kailey sternly.
"I know, girl don't act like a parent." says Lo with a bit of sas.
"So.. Kam showed up to you're place yesterday right?" spouts Kailey.
"How did you know..?" questions Lo.
"..Because the teacher told him to bring the homework and all that extra unnecessary amount of paperwork and stuff." says Kailey unbothered.
"Point made." mumbles Lo.
"Besides that.. tell me, what happened yesterday?" asks Kailey curiously.
"Nothing." says Lo almost immediately.
"Bullshit." spouts Kailey.
"I'm serious.. we just studied." spouts Lo unbothered.
"Mhm..." says Kailey unbothered.
"Ok! I'll tell you, but not here.. let's go to you're house after school." says Lo awkwardly.
"Why mine?" asks Kailey annoyed.
"What's the issue..? and because of Denzel y'know.." says Lo.
"Ok, understandable." says Kailey immediately.
"Now, let's get to class." spouts Lo.
"Lo.. wait. I have to tell you something, It's about Kameron." spouts Kailey sternly.
"What..? no, not here.." says Lo before letting out a long sigh.
"S-sure." stutters Kailey.
"Ok, I'm going to be completely honest right now, so please try to understand everything i'm about to say.." says Lo.
Kailey stays quiet.
"I'm in love with Kameron." says Lo sternly.
Kailey stares.
"..And yes, I've been in love with him for a while now.. I guess.. don't rub it in, please?" spouts Lo awkwardly.
"I told you so." says Kailey.
"What.." says Lo in utter confusion.
"I knew you had a crush on Kameron." says Kailey before leaning back on her bed.
"How.. were you so sure about those assumptions..?" questions Lo.
"Well, it couldn't have been more obvious from the start, I was already suspicious of it.. I'm surprised Kameron didn't even notice yet.. yikes.. AND, you're nice to everyone.. it's just Kameron you were acting differently to." spouts Kailey.
"Damn it. Kailey.. I-" says Lo a bit speechless.
"You can't hide anything from me, I'm your closest friend.. I hope?" says Kailey in a playful way as she goes for a hug.
"You are?! and.. I don't know where to start.." says Lo awkwardly.
"TELL ME EVERYTHING." spouts Kailey excitedly.
"Ok, Ok!" says Lo before taking a sip of her juice.
"I.. kissed him." says Lo almost immediately.
"WHATTTT? NO WAY, YOU'RE LYING!!" shouts Kailey in utter disbelief.
"Girls!? y'all good?! y'all don't need anything?" shouts Kailey's aunt from downstairs.
"No! we're ok, thanks auntie!" spouts Kailey.
"Let's calm down, for now." says Lo before exhaling.
"Ok.. I'm so excited for you though! When can you officially call him you're boyfriend? EEEEK." spouts Kailey in excitement.
"Alright.. calm down, girl.. exhale." says Lo as she starts laughing.
Kailey inhales and exhales.
"Great.. honestly, I think of confessing to him soon.." says Lo awkwardly.
"..Uhm, YES?!" spouts Kailey in utter excitement.
"I'm just relieved that I finally got the pressure off of my chest, by telling you." spouts Lo before letting out a deep sigh.
"I'm KINDA mad at you for not telling me about this, until now.. but I'm just KINDA happy that you did decide to tell me." says Kailey before hugging Lo.
"..I don't know why but.. I've got a bit of fear.. about telling him." admits Lo.
"Why?" asks Kailey.
"What if he y'know.. rejects me." says Lo almost immediately.
"I highly doubt he will, Lo. If he does, he's not worth you're time." spouts Kailey sternly.
"Thanks, Kailey.. I wouldn't know what the hell to do if I didn't have you in my life." says Lo before showing a bright smile.
"I know.. I'm amazing." says Kailey sarcastically.
Lo shakes her head.
"So.. girls night?" adds Kailey playfully.
"Thought you'd never ask!" spouts Lo.
"I'm gonna grab the popcorn! be right back." spouts Kailey.
*2 minutes later*
"Wanna know what I love the most about Kameron?" questions Lo.
"Heck yea!" says Kailey as she scoops her hand in the popcorn bucket.
"be honest, I KNOW THAT'S NOT THE ONLY THING YOU LOVE." shouts Kailey playfully.
"Ew, Kailey.. too soon." says Lo before laughing it off.
"Lo." says Kameron as he spots Lo.
"..Ye- yes?" spouts Lo as her chest tightens.
"Did you study well for the test today?" asks Kameron.
"Y- Yea! I studied some more with Kailey.. thanks for asking." says Lo awkwardly.
"Alright, hope you'll do great on the test then." says Kameron politely before walking off.
"T- thanks! you too!" spouts Lo before awkwardly waving at his back.
Kameron looks back and grins.
(Lo's thoughts;) "Im so awkward but, I'm so used to seeing that grin.. I hope I'll see more of it in the future as well."
"Hey!" spouts Kailey as she pops up behind Lo.
"Jeez, you scared me.. hey." says Lo.
"My bad, my bad. I saw what just happened though!" says Kailey before winking.
"Really..? he's so- oop.. not here. hehehe.." says Lo.
Kailey grins playfully.
"Let's hang out in class before the test starts." says Kailey as she drags Lo along.
"Wait! I gotta go to the toilet." says Lo as she stops walking.
"Sure, I'll wait for you in the classroom." says Kailey as she walks farther down the school's hallway.
*At the girl's restroom*
Lo sings softly.
"You have a nice voice, y'know." admits Kameron.
"Oh.. h- hey! and thanks.. I actually thought of becoming a singer.." admits Lo awkwardly.
(Lo's thoughts;) "What type of situation am I getting myself in.."
"Go for it." spouts Kameron confidently.
"Y- you think I'll be able to become one..?" asks Lo.
"You can become whatever you want to be." says Kameron.
"I- I don't really think it works like that.." says Lo awkwardly.
"I always wanted to become an artist as well.. I'll focus more on it when i'm in highschool." says Kameron.
"Is that so..?" questions Lo curiously.
"Yea." says Kameron as he dazes off.
"Then.. I think you should go for it as well.. I think you'd do great." spouts Lo awkwardly.
"Really- I mean.. thanks, Lo." says Kameron before grinning widely.
Lo starts to inhale and exhale heavily while covering her mouth.
(Lo's thoughts;) "My heart can't take this.. ok! time to go, before I do something I'll most definitely regret."
Kameron suddenly goes for the handlock.
"Shhh.. Just a sec." spouts Kameron.
(Lo's thoughts;) "I can feel his heartbeat in my back.. it's almost racing as fast as mine.. I hope I don't come over creepy by thinking this way."
Kameron tugs at Lo's t-shirt.
Lo blushes and lets out a deep sigh
"Hey.. why do you keep teasing me.." says Lo awkwardly.
(Kameron's thoughts;) "..I feel so much discomfort right now.. what's wrong with me, what am I doing..? tugging her shirt..? pfft, none the less.. she's not resisting again, it's a bit odd.. although I recall that she didn't resist last time as well."
"Just as I thought.." says Kameron before letting go of Lo.
"W- what..?" says Lo awkwardly before stuffing her T-shirt back into her uniform.
"You stopped resisting entirely." spouts Kameron unbothered.

*To be continued..*

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